Staring match

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“Why did I even think this would end up any other way?!” Cleveland exhaled quite strongly as she shook her head. “Like seriously. I think I am dumb for even assuming it. Guess we should have done it differently from the start, huh?”

*I could have told you it would end like this. Don’t tell me that. You know you choose to do this!*

Cleveland shrugged and looked forward as she opened her eyes again. In front of her and from any other angle her radar could tell her, stood the girls from Ironblood with guns drawn on her. They kind of formed a circle around her to not allow her to go anywhere.

Each group that arrived here just added to the growing lot.

She could tell that they were all ready to riddle her with bullets the second she did anything as much as breathe a bit differently. The fact that they haven’t done anything already surprised her.

“What the hell are you doing here you monster! How the fuck did you sneak past our defenses!?” Spat Mainz as she held her guns and rapier close to the Sirens nose. Cleveland just didn’t do anything against it and kept staring at her. As much as she wanted to just slap the thing away, doing so would probably end up bad for her.

“Surprised you didn’t just blow my head off.” Cleveland snickered. “As for why I am here? Well that’s easy, I am saving you from Hood and bring you back over to the light side. Also the true monster here lies over there dead so don’t assume I am the one you are searching for.”

Mainz was not moved at all. “So you killed our commander after getting into this base through some magic way!” She didn’t even exhale as she kept her rigging aimed sharply on the Siren before her. Cleveland could tell she was completely emotionally overwhelmed by the situation but kept her serious demeanor up. That alone made her worth talking to. Any of the kids around her would be shooting her the second she opened her mouth.

“Well I certainly tried to, given I fought her tooth and nail all through the command building.” Cleveland said as she put her arms on her hips. She wasn’t trying to hide anything. “But I didn’t even kill her! So what about that?”

Mainz didn’t back down for a second. She pointed to Hood's dead body that someone covered with a blanket. Hood apparently deserved to get some decency. “But she is dead! If you didn’t do it, what other enemy would she have here that would dare to harm our commander?! Are there more of you Siren here we don’t know of?! You better tell me or I will stab you straight through your fingers one by one!”

“Bold of you to assume I would allow that! And wouldn’t you like to know how I got here, huh?! I sure ain’t telling! Just know that I didn’t kill her and I am not the bad guy at all even if I did!” Cleveland shrugged and only made everyone around her even angrier. “Bismarck killed her. Just ask her. She even has an emotional breakdown about it and I would have helped her had I had any experience in psychological assistance.”

“Bismarck and Hood are in love, you moron!” Mainz spat. She looked even more pissed off. “They wouldn’t dare hurt each other! She is breaking down because you killed her wife straight in front of her.”

Cleveland smirked. “Which one of the two love each other?” She pointed to the one that was still crying. “We have two of them now, you know? One that was made, betrayed and used by Hood for her entire life and the other one that got locked away by Hood for god knows how long.” She snorted. “So which one Mainz? Who was the one Hood apparently loved with her whole heart?”

Mainz gnarred her teeth. She gripped her rapier even harder to the point her hands were sweating. “I know there are two Bismarcks but that is a mystery for us to solve later. For now I will take you out! Surrender Siren and maybe we will let you live to interrogate you!” Cleveland just shook her head. She had to calm all of them down somehow.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2023 ⏰

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