Portside talks

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“And done.” Said Elma as she put down a heavy crate. She had been helping the humans again with lifting stuff, more by force than her own will of course. She stood at the disadvantage of being, next to Observer Beta, who prefers to be called Cleveland, as the only one that can do this task. Funny that you are needed by a lot of people when the possibility of having someone that can do something arises.

Elma was busy stacking and carrying crates, that normally needed a crane to be transported, around the warehouse. She and the human had been at this task for more than an hour by now and the crates that needed to be stored, even if receding, seemed to have no end in sight.

“Can we talk about Cleveland for a second?” Asked Andrea from the ground. She had various problems with the siren, not harmful ones though. The siren simply seemed strange and different than how they were portrayed in the media and news.

“In a second, I need to do slave labor first.” Elma said from a distance. She was floating up and down at a rapid pace and putting crates of whatever was in them into higher shelves. 

Andrea shook her head. “Oh come on it isn’t that bad, plus you can fly and actually lift that stuff. We would need to repair that crane over there and that might take weeks, considering we got no one that knows how to repair it.”

Elma floated down after finally putting the fragile crate away.“ That doesn’t mean that you can use me solely for that. I am a warrior, a bodyguard to be precise, I am not a labour worker. Also I swear to some god that these things are filled with sand sculptures, that's how fragile they are.”

“No, they are filled with stuff like ammo and maintenance kits. If you find them fragile that's just because you're a hell of a lot stronger than your normal human. And I can go ask Cleveland but she would just stare at me until I run.'' Admitted Andrea. “The Observer is a whole lot more intimidating than you.” She added quietly.

“I doubt that, of course she would but she could do that all here faster anyway.” Said Elma and pointed all around her. “Her tentacles can bend steel effortlessly so she has more arms that can lift this all plus they can stretch to like, no idea how long but long, metres. She would help out faster.”

“Perhaps but she isn’t here now so let’s finish the last few things so you can stop complaining.” Said Andra and took a crate of apples she already put into airtight bags for longer storage. “Be glad that you don’t have to help in the kitchen, it’s hell for any woman there at the moment.”

“Explain! Now!” Said Elma sternly and floated down. “I would call myself quite the good cook so what is the issue.'' Elma was quite eccentric about this. She learned from her master how to cook right and while she disliked working for the humans like this as the slave that does everything but cooking was something she would do with pleasure. She would even teach new people how to cook well voluntarily.

Andrea sighted. “Imagine a cook walking into a completely ruined kitchen. Everything is rusted and unusable.” She put her hand to her forehead. “That's the situation, and no worry we got enough cooks, worked on the cruise ship before so are pretty fast and good.”

Elma fell to her knees, what she heard just now was a cook's worst nightmare. A untidied kitchen is no place to create a masterpiece of culinary art. She can only imagine the horror the cooks and kitchen staff felt when they saw the place of disaster.

“You ok?” Asked Andrea. She looked down at the shocked siren that sprung up. Elma had an empty look on her face. “Poor cooks. I feel their pain.” Said the siren. Andrea patted her back a bit. “Come, it’s getting worked on, now let’s finish this up. We are almost done anyway.” That stood corrected as Elma only had to carry one last crate the humans had on a forklift. It held the spare weapons the people already stored away. 

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