Home base

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“Throw me the tow cable Elma. Ed all machines ¼ and slow down.” Commanded Cleveland as she stood on the bow of the ship. The drive they had here went over without any problems. They didn't even encounter a single shipgirl, even if Cleveland had several of them on her radar. They even were identified in the IFF for some reason. Cleveland had to thank Alpha for that.


Cleveland smiled. Elma walked on the dock. The abandoned base was really difficult to find when you don’t know where to look. It was an overgrown part of a jungle with a small narrow entrance, no battleship would ever be able to remotely come close to docking at this base.

Elma grabbed one of the big tows and threw them at the light cruiser. Cleveland caught it and attached it to the ship. The humans around them merely watched in absolute awe. No one of them had ever seen this. Normally you need at least 20 men to complete a docking process, needing both coordination from the ship and the dock itself. The two sirens however did all of that by themselves.

They finished the docking and waited. Elma found an actual working gangway and pushed it on the ship. The humans walked down the real thing and onto the dock.

“So this is the base Herberd?” Asked Andra as she walked onto the dock. Next to her stood a younger, yet still older than most, man with a white t-shirt that said naval academy. The base they stood on was overgrown and looked generally quite unusable. The satellite dishes were hanging on by a thread and most buildings were overgrown.

“Sure is.” Smilied the man and beckoned the others to follow him. “Now our little smuggling facility is back here.”

“Smuggle?” Asked Cleveland. “Did you do something illegal here?”

The men looked concerned. The tone Cleveland gave him wasn’t the nicest. Adding to the fear were the soul piercing yellow eyes the siren had. The man shuddered but pushed on.

“Not entirely.” Herberd said proudly. “This is a supply and storage base from the stuff we took from smugglers. It got everything from normal food to high caliber weaponry. I served here before your sirens even invaded and we left the base in a hurry without taking anything, so everything should still be here. We found some weird stuff that should be very useful.” 

Andrea smiled as did John. The sirens were merely a bit surprised but pressed on. They entered an overgrown building to the far right. The humans ducked under the thorny rakes while the sirens simply walked through them, breaking them without any wound sustained.

“Say, why didn’t you just come here earlier? If the base has so many valuable supplies then why didn’t you come here earlier than now?” Asked Elma as they walked along the hallway. The man went rigid and his sweat dropped before they continued walking. Elma blinked at that. “Come on, you can tell that you are cowards.”

“No, it's more complicated and you will see in a minute.” Said Herberd and walked out of the back of the building. They stopped and turned to the side.  “And here is the problem.” They came to a stop and looked at what Herberd was pointing at. A massive passcode lock was next to a reinforced steel door that looked ominous. 

“So what’s that? Herberd explained.” Said Andrea as she looked at the door.

Herberd coughted. “That my dear is a six times reinforced titanium steel door. Behind it is the main storage for the smaller ships we had. They should still be there.”

“So you had all the time, a base just two days away, with enough supplies and food to last us a long time.'' Andrea said. “And you couldn't be bothered to say a word about it?!”

“It’s not that simple. Remember that we nearly drove 3 days here in a ship that is significantly faster than the little barely floating crawlers we had. The trip was simply too risky.” Said Herberd. “We can’t take great risks with all of us. And even if, our ships wouldn’t be able to transport a naval gun or a tank that can offer us the least bit of protection.”

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