Building alliances

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Elma stood up and looked around. All guards left the room after John and left the two sirens alone in the room.

She looked at the still crying siren in the middle of the room and walked up to her where she patted her back.

"Friend, is everything Ok?" Elma asked and kneeled next to the girl.

"Do I look like I'm ok?" Said the girl. Tears still stained her cheeks. "How could I be ok after that?"

Elma was confused. “What do you mean? That wasn't you, only a shipgirl lookalike.”

“A lookalike...a…..a….A LOOKALIKE!” screamed the siren as she looked at Elma. “That was me! How was that me!!”

“That wasn’t you, you are a siren and they only have one of everyone, urgh.” Elma said quickly but then was grabbed by the collar.

The other siren looked at her with only fury and self hate. “If that wasn’t me then who was that because that wasn’t me. I was...I guess dead at that point.”

*Yes you were.*

“Ohh still alive? Then who was that Alpha!.” The siren screamed while looking at the ground. Her tears were still flooding down her face. “Who could disguise herself as me and do so many horrible things.”

*Hard to explain but I guess we will meet evil Cleveland someday.*

“Evil Cleveland...that...that implies that that is Cleveland.” The siren said out of breath. “Which implies that I’m not Cleveland.”

“But you aren’t.” Elma said and the siren snapped up to her, her eyes looked dead. “You’re a siren and not a shipgirl, and I can assure you you never attacked and massacred humans like the shipgirls there did.”

“These shipgirls you speak of there are my sisters, at least they should be.” The siren said. “My sisters who became monsters.”

Elma only shook her head and hugged the siren who clung to her for dear life. “These aren’t your sisters. That is the Cleveland class but you are a siren which means you aren't affiliated to each other. So how about you tell me your name?” Elma smiled down at the siren in her arms. “It clearly ain’t Cleveland...which is weird because you look like her but normally the pawn clones we had have no personality. Are you an experiment?”

The siren looked broken. “I don’t even know myself. I was Cleveland yet now I’m not anymore." She gulped hard. "Who am I?’” 

Elma patted her back. “I can still call you Cleveland. But that isn’t your name.”

The siren stared at Elma. "Just tell me who I'm supposed to be."

*Your name is still Cleveland, but also Observer Beta.*

"If I had a Scanner I could tell you who you are." Elma said and ruffled the siren's hair. "If you prefer Cleveland I'm fine with that."

The siren nodded and Elma let go of her.

"Observer Beta you that….is that who I am?? Hehe. HAHAHA." Cleveland chuckled before she had to hold her mouth closed. "Am I just another experiment and replacement for you Alpha."

"Are you speaking of Observer Alpha?" Asked Elma as she looked with concern at the other siren who slid with her back down the wall she leaned against. "More importantly, how can you contact her? The network is down."

"The damm bit-....girl is in my head." Cried Cleveland. "Observer Beta, is that me, am I that?"

Cleveland breathing became rapid.

"Are my sisters monsters? Am I a Monster? Are all I know monsters? Hehehehe!" Cleveland  laughed madly. "It's all different. Everyone has changed... I'm talking with someone that would've killed me immediately in the past, and there's a person I hate in my head."

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