11. The mysterious man

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The next day you applied for a job at McDonald's. Surprisingly you got the job! Of course some people were a little scared of you because of your mask. It was originally black but you changed it too purple so people didn't recognize you.

"Hi what can I get for you on this day." You said semi cherry. You were looking down at the register to type in their order so you didn't see who it was.

"Hello, I would like a big burger with fries, and a sparkly drink. If that's no trouble." The man said. You looked up at his voice hoping praying it was Loki! But when you looked up it was just a random person. "Sure that comes out to 10 dollars and 15 cents. Cash or card?" You said.

"Cash. What's with the mask anyways?" You panicked... "Oh uh I'm scared of...... germs." He gave a puzzling look.

He gave you a 20 dollar bill, and walked away. "Uh sir! You forget you change!!" You yelled. "Keep it darling!" He said without Turing around.

You ran to your cheek in thing and clocked out for a break. Land then ran to where he sat and sat down across from him. "Why did you call me darling?" You said very seriously.

He looked at very confused. "It's just the way i talk I guess." You looked disappointed. "Oh.....okay." You we're going to get up when he asked "Why do you ask?" "Well I used to know someone who spoke like that...." You said sitting down again.

"Did you like him?" He asked smiling. "No. He was a jerk. And he hated me to." The man's smile quickly faded. "How do you know that?" He asked.

"I don't know maybe the fact that he ratted me out. And besides he killed my sister." The man looked shocked at this. "He killed your sister? How?" He asked not caring it wasn't his business but you didn't care.

"You remember the New York attacks?" He nodded. "Something threw a car at her and she died that evening. I didn't see for two years before she died." You started to tear up. "It's all my fault anyways."

"How's that?" He asked. "If only I didn't do evil things if only...... I was there for her." The man frowned. "It's not your fault that that monster killed your sister." You nodded. "What's your name?" He asked.

"Oh it's Y/N." "Then why does-" he froze. "Y/N? Like that girl that robbed 20 banks at the same time?" You tilted your head. "Yeah. Hey how did you know about that, no one knew they were the same person."

The man was shocked. "Don't worry I'm not evil anymore." You said laughing. The man just sat there his eyes wide and his mouth partly open. "I...I got to.....got to go." He said quickly getting up.

"Wait I didn't get your name!" "L- Uh T- My name is......Um....Tony." He then ran out the door. "WAIT!" You yelled but it was too late he was gone. Wow not even ten minutes and I scared off a guy, what's wrong with me.

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