8. I miss him.

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The next day.

You couldn't fall back asleep after that night mare. You just layed in bed thinking about Loki. At this point you gave up trying to hate him you knew it was pointless. Until morning came.

Your food came in but this time Wanda was carrying it. "Goodmorning Y/N."
You quickly rose when you herd her soft sweet voice. "WANDA! YOUR BACK!" You ran to her only to be stopped by the force field. You smiled at her your eyes red. "I missed you."

Wanda opened the cage and you ran to her hugging her. Well trying to at least. You still had your cuffs on. "Well this is new. What happened while I was gone?" She said cherry.

"Nothing, that's why I missed you so much." You quickly realized what was going on. You were out of your cell. You could make a run for it! But for some reason you couldn't. You also regained control of your feelings.

"Uhm I mean I'm glad your not harmed." You said baking away. Wanda laughed. "Come with me." She said. You followed her trying your best not to knock her over the head and

run. You walked into a nice room with some chairs a table a couch and even a tv. "I thought we could talk in here this time." She said un cuffing you. THIS IS IT THIS IS MY CHANCE I CAN RUN I CAN USE MY POWERS AND RUN.

But you knew in your heart that you couldn't. You sat down at the table and started eating.
"Did you have any bad dreams while I was away." Wanda asked.

You froze. The night mare you had last night coming to mind. You gulped. "Y....yes..." you said. Cringing at the the memory.

"We'll tell me about it." She said friendly. "But only if you want." You told her EVERYTHING even the false wake up.

"Awww you poor thing." She said hugging you. For some reason you didn't resist instead you fully welcomed the hug.

She sat back down. "Do you miss a certain someone?" Wanda asked. How does she know? "Yes." You said your eyes filling with tears.

" For some reason I miss that full of himself, handsome, jerk ,with gorgeous hair ,that trader. I hate... him. But for some reason I...I...i miss him" You said choking on that last sentence.

The tears started to roll down your face. "It's okay dear. It's going to be okay." She said holding your hand. Just like your mother used to.

It's been a month since you've seen lady Y/N. You winced as you thought that. Why do I miss this midgarden mortal. I should hate her.

She tried to kill me!!! You thought. Of course I betrayed her first. But it was her fault for trusting me. You were just arguing with yourself again. Thor came into your cell even though it was practically a room.

"HELLO BROTHER." Thors booming voice said. "What do you want?" You weren't in the mood for Thors silly ideas. "JUST TO TALK." You rolled your eyes.

"Fine. But just for a minute. And only if you lower your voice, your giving me a....head...ace " You said as you thought of the word. You had been needing someone to talk to recently.

Even if it was your idiotic brother. "Of course brother!!! What's been on your mind recently?" Thor said trying to be quiet. You decide you would tell him how you felt then brain wash him.

"I miss......lady y/n." You said reluctantly.
"Wells that's great brother- Wait isn't she the one you told on?" Thor said confused. "Yes Thor. Y/n." Thor was shocked and very confused but he didn't say anything.

"How's Jane been?" You said changing the subject. "She's just fine Brother just fine!!" You smiled at this. It was nice to see your brother loved someone and she loved him.

"Well this was very nice Loki! We should do this more often." Thor said getting up. L you decided not to wipe his memory of the last 5 minutes. "Goodbye Thor."

A/n sorry that y/n and Loki aren't together yet, we're getting there! I'm trying not rush it!
Please bear with me!

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