Pt. 1 The Beginning

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In the beginning, there existed a world beyond imagination, characterized by boundless knowledge, enduring peace, and timeless beauty. This was once home to me, Omegaa, who was regarded as the gods or creator of the beings that inhabited the world. The children of light did not have a name for themselves, but modern humans have come to know them as the Ancient Ones.

Unlike the human world, we do not have concepts such as time, space, nature or civilization. Though we are only a few hundred in number, compared to the millions of humans, we lead a simple existence without the need for eating, sleeping, or dying. Our sole purpose is to exercise our minds and push the boundaries of our technology. With the light that I have gifted them for many years, these children have built gardens and created odd creatures that would seem like a hologram to human knowledge. Despite having little to do, they always remained fascinated by the light I had given them, adoring me from a distance. However, there was one exception - a small child who was always happy to see me. The child whom I called Princess was not an actual princess by human standards, but she held great importance to me. We were more like friends, I suppose.

Princess: "Omegaa, would you like to play with me in the garden again? Your light always shines the brightest when we play together."

Omegaa: "Of course, but forgive me Princess. I would be delighted to join you in the garden and play together. However I am need in the research lab as of right now. I promise once I am done, then we can play."

When I received summons from my other followers, they did not explain their reasons for wanting to see me. They simply wanted to stand in my presence, unlike Princess. She was the first being to ask me about myself and what I enjoy. Through her curiosity, Princess has made me, a god-like being, question who I truly am.

As I entered the research lab that the children of my light had built, they asked me to grant them more of my light for their latest creation. Although I did not know the details of their research, I saw no reason to refuse their request and granted them more of my light. However, I soon realized that they had started to drained me of my light in the process. Because of my pride I paid this drained feeling to mind. However, from this sacrifice of light, they created a new being and named it Darkness.

At first glance, when I saw this creature coming into form, I disregarded it as just another silly tool or plaything for them. So I left it alone and took my leave to regenerate the light I had just lost. However, this time, I wasn't able to regenerate fully. This feeling started to make me feel uneasy. It was here that I realized something was wrong. I started my way back to the lab in hope that the children would make sense of this lack of feeling. Almost there I could only to see that it has just been destroyed. Dread and worry started to infuse with in my veins, I searched everywhere for the researchers. But none were found. Through the rubble I started searching for being they called Darkness, but by the time I found it, it was already too late. Darkness grew in both size and mass. Leaving the tore down lab it began destroying other the buildings, consuming everything in its path. The Darkness has became too powerful for them to control completely. For the first time in these children's existence, lives were being lost and our home was being destroyed piece by piece. This day has been marked the beginning of our consequences that was created by our own actions.

Thanks to our combined efforts, we were able to weaken the Darkness by taking most of its power and sealing it inside a tome, where all of our knowledge and technology held it together. We then restrained its still-powerful physical body with chains and shackles made from its own power. However, the chains were not strong enough, and Darkness broke free, completely destroying our home. Despite my weakened state, I fought with Darkness and cast it out into the void. Sadly, the children of the now-known Ancient Ones were gone, all but one soul remained.

Omegaa: "My dearest Princess, forgive me for I didn't want any of this to happen. I was such a fool."

Princess: "This was never your fault but ours, Blessid One. We became greedy with your gifts, it is we who should be asking you to forgive us."

Omegaa: "I promise, I will build you a new and better home to live and be happy once more. I will build you many gifts and this time you won't just have me as your friend. I am sure you will have many friends in our new home. I promise, I will keep you all safe. I swear."

It was this moment that I placed the Princess into my own personal void for her to sleep and heal. Afterwards, I then started on building the beings of concepts. Space, Time, and Nature. It is with these three that I will build a new home for ourselves. No matter how many times it must take, I will right my wrongs.

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