Ch. 13 Battle for Atlantis pt. 3

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With a mighty roar, the whole Atlantis army showed up with multiple cannons and everyone started to fire at the Dragon. Dealing a little but helpful damage.

Kronii: "You Fool! What do you think you're doing here!"

May: "Protecting our Concepts! Next Round! FIRE!"

Another round of cannons fired, pushing Darkness to take one step back.

Kronii: "Do you realize that you are putting everyone here in danger!"

Darkness roared with great anger that could even shake the earth. Everyone could only cover their ears at how loud the sound was. Darkness then with great force kicked Sana away, sending her flying and knocking her into the great tree. On impact, Sana coughs a little bit of her own blood. Everyone started to panic, the one person that was holding Darkness back was too far away. The humans started to panic, fearing that this battle wasn't winnable. Then darkness reared its tail once more, sending it towards the direction of the main cannons, as well as the direction of May. Kronii swiftly took May into her arms using her own body to protect May from the impact of the tail. Just about all the humans were crushed by the tails might. While May and Kronii were tossed into the side of a building. The tail's impact was too much for May's mortal body to handle, she could feel bones breaking as well internal bleeding and bruising. But she didn't want her friends to know.

Kronii: "May, you alright?!"

May: "I'll be fine. How is this thing so powerful, what does it want?"

Kronii: "We don't know, this thing is as new to us then it is to all of you. But I do think that it's starting to slow down."

May: "That's good, however I don't think my people can do much else right now. We're too scattered to help. But I can still fight, just…"

Kronii: "No May! You mortals are too weak for this kind of fight."

May: "So I'm Just Supposed To Sit Here And Watch My Friends Fight and Get Hurt!?"

Kronii: "Yes!"


It was the first time in Kronii's life that anyone has ever slapped her. Shocked, Kronii turned to look at May, who had tears of anger.

May: "I'd rather die than to not help my friends. I fully understand what kind of battle this is Kronii, but what else am I supposed to do? My people have fled, my armies dying, and my friends are struggling in this fight. While here I am powerless to do anything. So Tell Me Oh Powerful Warden Of Time, What Am I Supposed To Do?!"

Kronii then pulled May into her arms as she too started to cry.

Kronii: "I don't know… But what I do know is that, Me, Fauna, Sana, and Bae. All don't want to lose you the most. You've shown us what humans are truly capable of, and so much more. Humanity is weak, but also strong. But to us, losing you would be the end of the world."

Kronii pulled May's face into her hand and looked her into her eyes.

Kronii: "I don't know how, but I promise that we will keep you safe and beat this Darkness. But for now you need to take care of yourself."

May nods, placing her hand over Kronii's. Only then for her to leave a kiss on the inside.

May: "I don't want to lose any of you, especially you Kronii. Please be safe and keep the others safe."

Kronii's heart felt so tone and yet alive in that moment, that all her fateg and fears just flew away.

Kronii: "I promise."

Kronii stood up, ready to continue with the fight. May couldn't help but to pray to their creator Omegaa to keep them all safe, as Kronii rejoins the battle.

Fauna: "Is May safe?"

Kronii: "For now, what's it doing now?"

Fauna: "I'm not sure."

The Hydra Dragon then started to change its form into something a bit smaller. It looked like she was starting to turn into a little girl with horns and a tail. Kronii and Fauna ready their weapons, with Fauna replacing her trident with a bow and arrows. Darkness floated in the air unmoving, when suddenly the world started to eclipse. Darkness's eyes turned purple and started to pull out her own weapon. Her weapon was that of a cube that twists and turns, until it landed on a pattern of Darkness's choosing. Turning it into a large war hammer. Darkness then attacks, only for Sana to return and take the hit. Protecting Kronii and Fauna.

Sana: "I will Never Let You Hurt AnyOne Ever Again!"

Sana's eyes turned black and yellow as if she was summoning more power from the universe, as she throws a punch nocking Darkness back. Darkness looked at Sana almost shocked to see such power. But it was that power that shook her body scared.

Darkness: "OOOMEEGAA!!!"

Darkness cried in hatred mistaking Sana's power as Omegaa's. Darkness ready her hammer to attack Sana once again, only to be quickly shot by a green arrow that was imbued with nature's life scorce.

Sana turned back to see that it was Fauna who made the shot, now having eyes of yellow.

Fauna: "Looks like we all have no choice but to use our power to stop her."

Kronii and Sana both shook their hands in agreement, as they all got ready for the next attack. 

Meanwhile, Bae was just about to finish up with her little fight with Gura.

Bae: "Shit! Looks like things are starting to get pretty crazy over there."

Bae turned her attention towards a weakened Gura, who was struggling to get out of Bae's grip.

Bae: "Looking at you like this gave me an idea. But sorry Gura, our fight will have to wait another time. My friends need me right now."

Bae tossed Gura up into the air, only for her to land a powerful kick to her stomach. Sending Gura far into the ocean. Bae turned towards Darkness and her friends who were still struggling against her. The chaos around this battle was so powerful, Bae could feel her power growing stronger and stronger with each passing minute. With a wicked laugh, Bae then started to take all that energy into her body. Causing her hair to grow longer and spikier, her eyes turned from black to bright red. This new form one could say it was Bae's Chaotic form.

Bae: "Yes! Now This Is What I'm Talking About! Now Let's Go And Have Some Fun!"

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