Pt. 3 The First Stone has Been Placed

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Over the past millions of years, and different attempts of creating the perfect world. The Concepts have built the Earth and along with the beings that gave themselves the name, humans. They have started to truly show potential in this universe. For the eyes that were hidden from all that even Darkness could not be seen, The True Void. The beings of great power, have gathered to meet with their creator, Omegaα. The three great beings stood in front of their supreme being honoring them with a bow of respect.

Omegaα: "Space. Nature. And Time. I have summoned you three here to hear your thoughts on this sudden advancement with the beings that have started to refer to themselves as..."

Fauna: "...Humans."

Omegaα: "Yes, humans. Space you may speak first."

Space: "Thank you Creator. I find that they are quite the creative bunch. They make answers for questions that are never asked."

Omegaα: "Nature, your thoughts?"

Nature: "I find them warming, and yet cruel for how they have started treating me and my gifts. At times they are very caring and helpful, while others have destroyed what should have been left alone."

Omegaα: "I see. Lastly, Time. What do you make of these people and their growing knowledge?"

Time: "... In all honesty, Creator. I believe that they are spoiling my gift. They use it whenever they feel the need for it and throw it away when it is no longer needed. I believe that they do not deserve my gift, or any other of our gifts. They are nothing more than wasteful."

Omegaα: "I see so that is how you all see them. I for one also believe that they are wasteful beings. However, after just spending a few days among them. I have come to meet a child who I believe has potential for humanity. After hearing your perspectives, I would like you three to journey to a human settlement on earth. Watch over not only her but the other humans as well. Time I want you especially, to keep watch over them the most. If possible, I would like them to learn from all three of you, and you from them. However if they do not seem fit for progression, then I will personally remove them from that dimension. Do you all understand?"

Time: "But Creator!"

Omegaα: "Do you understand."

Three: "Yes Creator."

Omegaα: "Good. You have one thousand years to bring me back your final opinion."

Three: "Thank you Creator."

Omegaα: "And one last note. Be wary, a rat has gotten loose in the civilization you are going to."

The three great beings only looked at each other in confusion.

Fauna: "Where exactly are we supposed to observe the humans?"

Omegaα: "It's a city that has grown greatly among the others over the past few years. And they have named it, Atlantis."

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