Pt. 2 Darkness Rage

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Within one of the many Ancient One's labs, many of scalers were eagerly studding a new source of energy that they have created using their supreme being's energy source. They have come to call this new energy force, Darkness. But little did they know that this new energy grew sentient. It started to become aware of its surroundings and its own awareness.

Darkness: 'Where am I? What am I? This place its so bright here, and these people. Who are they?'

Darkness then tried to move its body, only for it to realize that it was trapped inside a kind of force field like barrier.

Darkness: 'Hey! What's going on?! Why did you place me here? Let me out!'

Try as Darkness could, but no one heard it make a sound. They just continued to read their freshly printed notes, paying Darkness no mind aside from its tests results.

Scientist 1: "Professor I'm sorry to say the results, haven't changes much at all. Darkness's power is still weaker than Omegaa's light. Although, we were able to confirm that the energy can last longer than Omega's power."

Professor: "I see, let's continue to feeding it more of Omega's light force. We are so close to solving a way to give power back to the Supreme One. Omega will most certainly be pleased with with our efforts. We can't let our Lord know about our research's goal just yet. Not until we know that Omega can recycle the Darkness energy."

Scientist 1: "Understood Professor."

Darkness: 'What are you guys talking about?! There's no way for light to be able to consume dark matter, nor can dark matter consume light. They will just cancel each other out. Hey! Listen to me! You guys are doing this all wrong, are you stupid!'

Darkness continued to try and get their words across, but still no one could understand what it was trying to say. Just then the room's doors open allowing Omega, the Ancient One's deity, to enter.

Professor: "Lord Omega, thank you once again for allowing us to use more of your glorious light. Our research is going slow, however with new method to try I am positive that this new energy will benefit us all."

Omegaa: "I understand, just know that my light does have its own limitations on you all. Take what you will need for now and I will inform you all when I can provide you with more."

Omega then reached their hand towards the trapped Darkness and started to infuse their energy with Darkness's small body.

Darkness: 'N-no, W-wait! Hold on, don't! Aaaahhh!!!'

The light that Omegaa forced into Darkness, causing Darkness to feel excruciating pain. Almost as if its entire being was being ripped apart but due to the force field it kept Darkness from being ripped apart. The testing felt like it went on forever. Day on and day out, the life force of Darkness endured test after test, along with more light energy being forced into it body.

Darkness started to feel hate towards these people and Omega for putting them through such torturous methods. Forcing Darkness to consume Omega's light force. No matter what happened the test results were still the same. All of the professors started to believe that Darkness was a failure. That was until one day, an older looking child with short hair and wore what to be a medical gown with a name tag with the number 42, snuck into the lab where Darkness stayed. Darkness paid her no mind, for she was just another one to make her feel pain.

Child 42: "Wow! So you're the energy that the others were talking about. I always wanted to meet you. I never thought you would look so pretty."

Darkness felt weary of the sudden compliment. No one has spoke to it in such a kind and gentle tone before. Darkness felt something new, a small warmth. It couldn't define what this new feeling was, nor did they mind it.

Darkness: 'What is this child talking about?'

Child 42: "Ah! You just changed color! Ah, now your purple. Wow so cute! Did you know purple is my favorite color? What other colors can you do?"

Without realizing it Darkness changed from a misty purple to a light shade of pink. The older child then reach her hand to try and touch Darkness. Without realizing it Child 42 phazed through the barrier that imprisoned Darkness. At first Darkness was fearful to be touch, worried that the touch would hurt. But it didn't, this child's touch was much more gentle.

Child 42: "Wow, what is this, its so soft and yet so light. Its almost silky."

Darkness: 'Did I really change color? What are these weird new feeling I have. It feels almost painful and yet, warm?'

Child 42: "Haha, now your turning red. Are you feeling embarrassed or mad form me teasing you? I wish I could understand you better. Maybe we could even be friends like Omega and the Princess one day? Oh you went black again. I'm sorry did I upset you?"

Professor: "You! What are you doing here! This is a restricted area, you are not classified to be here experiment 42."

The professor was furious with the older child.

Child 42: "B-but professor, the Darkness changed color."

Professor: "Thats impossible, we've ran numerous test on Darkness and nothing mentioned about it changing color."

If Darkness had eyes that it could roll it would have at the professor.

Darkness: 'Yeah, cause I refused to show you guys anything. This child better be grateful for interacting with me. Humph.'

Child 42: "But it really did professor you have to believe me."

Professor: "That's enough, leave now! Before I call to have you escorted out."

Child 42: "No!"

The Professor then grew impatient and grab her violently by her hand and tossed her to the floor. The child flew hitting her head onto the corner of desk before falling onto the ground.

Darkness: 'Don't Hurt Her!'

After a few seconds, the older child did not move.

Professor: "Stop laying there and get out! Move!"

But she did not speak nor move and inch. Growing more flustered the Professor then walked over to her and kicked her side. Revealing that her head was cracked and some kind of milky liquid was leaking out. Darkness then realize just what happened, for the first moment in their life. One of them had died.

Professor: "What is this? Why won't you function?"

The Professor turned around to face Darkness.

Professor: "You! What did You do to her?!"

This enraged Darkness, for someone who knows nothing to blame one who did nothing. Darkness changed their color to a deep and violent red. And for the first time, Darkness Spoke.

Darkness: "What Did I Do?! It Was You! You Are The One At Fault! For The First Time, Non Of You Treated Me Nicely, Until Her. Then You Took Her Away From Me! Roar!!!"

Darkness then started to grow in both size and power. To the point of destroying everything.

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