Pt. 5 The Wardens Worry

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In Atlantis's courthouse, patrons were running back and forth with different documents and files. It was only just a few weeks until the new election. It was only just a month ago that Time decided to leave the Rat alone and focus on the election. As Time walked down the different halls of the courthouse, she could hear the many whispers of her so-called followers.

Young Man: 'Everything is going to fast with the election. I can barely keep up. I wish the Warden would give us more time so that we can prepare for the election.'

Woman: 'Do you think the Warden would give us more time to prepare if we asked?'

Elder Man: 'Don't bother asking, in all my years the Warden of Time never gave nor took time away from us. She's a lot more stubborn than the other two Concepts.'

Young Man: 'Maybe I should follow a different Concept instead. The other two seem a lot nicer.'

Woman: 'The Nature's Keeper, Fauna, was really nice to me the other day. She noticed how weak I looked with energy and she gave me some herbs to help me.'

Elder Man: 'Wow, I wonder if I could ask her for some medicine to help me with my back problems.'

Time could not help but feel hurt by the words of the humans nowadays. Back when everything started, the humans adored her and her gifts. Time quickened her passe as she entered her chambers by slamming the doors behind her.

Time: "I always knew humans were nothing but greedy and unforgiving beings. I don't understand why Omegaa even allowed them to act in such manners. Of course Space and Nature are loved by them, because the two of them spoil them to no end. Sigh, the sooner we find a way to get rid of that Rat. Maybe things will go back to the way things used to be here.."

Time then went through her many shelves of books of the world's laws and records. Hoping to maybe find a loophole, anything that could help her to catch the Rat. Until she heard a knock on her door.

Time: "Enter!"

May: "Hey Kronii, I wanted to go over my speech for the election with you and see what you think. These things still make me nervous. Are you alright?"

Time: "I'm fine, just a little tired. Go ahead and tell me your speech and leave. I'm busy right now."

May enters the Warden's room and places her speech on the Warden's desk. May could easily tell when Kronii was upset about something. So she walks up to Kronii and pokes her in her side. Causing the Warden to jump in surprise.

Time: "What was that for?! I told you to go over your speech and be done. I have a lot to get done before the next few weeks before the election."

May: "What's wrong Kronii?"

May's face softens, worried about her friend and Concept.

Time: "Nothing, that concerns you. Now if you are not going to go over your speech then leave."

May could definitely tell that Kronii was in a bad mood today. A little upset, May walks to the door and pokes her head out to her guards. Telling them to head back to the Citadel without her. Not wanting to leave the Chancellor alone, they decided to wait for her downstairs. Believing that she would be safe in the hands of the Warden.

May then walks over to one of the few comfortable chairs in the room.

May: "You know you can always get some more furniture in here. Maybe add a bed or something?"

Time: "Why would I need a bed? We concepts don't need sleep unlike you humans do. Now hurry up with your speech and be done. Or I will escort you out myself."

May could see that Kronii was not budging today.

May: "Alright, I won't leave until you tell me what is upsetting you Kronii."

Time angrily turns around to face May. But this time she saw her Chancellor without her warm smile on her face, but that of a sad one.

Time: "How many times do I have to tell you to stop calling me by that name?"

May: "Until you are happy to be with humanity. Ever since I was a foolish little girl who looked up to you three, I always felt like we were family. And I wanted you three to love humanity as much as we all love you."

Time: "Ha, funny way of showing us love when all you humans ever want is our gifts and nothing more."

The Warden slams down on her desk as if to vent her hidden frustration. May gently takes Kronii's hand only to then realize just how much Kronii was hurting, when she saw the few tears fall from her eyes.

Time: "...I already know that I can't give you humans anything much like what Fauna and Sana can. Nor am I even allowed to give you humans more time for anything. I might not even be worthy of existence for you people.."

May then take Kronii's face into her own hands and made her look into her eyes.

May: "For someone who is probably the smartest being here on earth, you are quite stupid."

May then pulls the Warden over to a mirror and makes her stand in front of it.

May: "You are the most beautiful and beloved concept we humans even deserve. It's thanks to you, Time, that gives us humans a chance to grow and move forward in our lives. You are both beautiful and kind in every way we can imagine. Kronii, I am fully aware how greedy we humans can be. But as your friend, I will always believe in you. I will never forget how much you helped not only humanity but myself as well. You believed in me the most because of how hard I worked to get to where I am today."

May then knelt down in front of The Warden of Time, and placed her hand over her heart.

May: "For that no words nor wealth can repay you for all that you have given us. I thank you, Dearest Warden of Time."

Kronii then turned to look at herself one last time in her mirror. Looking at herself and seeing the being that was given such praise to. Realizing just how truly amazing she was.

Time: "...T-thank you Chance-, May. For your words of encouragement. Now give a speech just like that and I'm sure that all of humanity would follow you. A-also, I suppose when it's just the four of us. Having the name Kronii wouldn't be so bad to have."

May smiles and stands up to give Kronii a warm and friendly hug.

Kronii: "Yes, yes. That's quite enough of that. You and I both have work to do and finish. It's not like we have enough Time to spare."

May: "Of course Kronii, I have my script ready."

Kronii then takes a seat on her desk and listens as May begins to read her script.

As the day goes by and the sun sets. Something falls into the oceans near Atlantis, causing Bae to feel a small shift in their peaceful world. Bae quickly runs across the ocean to where she felt the disturbance. Only to feel nothing around the oceans waters. Looking down into the ocean Bae only saw the waters own darkness.

Bae: "...I hope that really was nothing to worry about."

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