Pt. 4 Chaos in the Streets of Atlantis

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~999 Years Later~

It was a bright sunny day in Atlantis. Over the hundreds of years Atlantis has become a prosperous city. Thanks to the teachings of the concepts Space, Nature, and Time. However even with less than one thousand year having gone by, the concepts have yet to find the human in which is supposed to aid them in the construction of humanity. But instead they have been running around Atlantis, all in order to capture a...

Sana: "RAT!!!"

The speaker of Space, or now known as Sana, can be seen floating in the air looking down on Atlantis. Spying on what looked like a cartoonist looking red, white and blue rat running through the market street.

Fauna: "Where do you see it?"

Fauna, the keeper of Nature, was currently meditating on her world tree near the western side of Atlantis.

Sana: "It's causing mischief in the eastern main market again."

Meanwhile the warden of Time was riding her personal horse through the streets of Atlantis.

Time: "Good I'm close by. That rat won't get away from us this Time! HIYA!!"

Time raced through the busy streets dodging the pedestrians as she headed to the market. At the entrance Time quickly dismounted her horse for the market was too crowded for anyone to ride a horse.

Time: "Space do you still see it?!"

Sana: "Yeah, it started heading north from you Kronii."

Time: "Thanks, and I told you to stop calling me that. We are concepts, we don't need these weird names that that human gave us."

Time then jumps on top of large wooden boxes. Climbing to get a better view of the rat.

Fauna: "Oh come on Kronii, they're not that bad. I actually quite like mine."

Sana: "Me too!"

Time: "Just because you two like them, doesn't mean I do. Now, can we please focus on our current mission?"

Time then spots the colorful rat eating on a random fruit. Time quickly leaps grabbing the rat with her bare hands. Only for the two to fall into a weak fabric stand, as dust and fabric scatters.

Time: Cough.. Cough...

May: "Oh my!? Warden Kronii are you alright?"

As the dust and fabrics settle, Time started viewing the world upside down as well as spotting the Chancellor of Atlantis.

Time: "L-Lady Chancellor!? What are you doing here?! A-and where are your escorts?!"

May: "Shh, Kronii! I'm secretly inspecting the market for any suspicions."

May said while looking very serious.

Time: "R-really?!"

Vender: "Don't believe her Warden. She was actually sneaking around to do some personal window shopping."

May: "Paul! I told you not to tell anyone!"

Time: "Chancellor, how many times have I told you not to leave the Citadel. Especially when elections are just around the corner! You do remember the last four elections, right!?"

May: "Yes Warden Kronii, I remember"

May rolled her eyes and started puffing her cheeks out. For the past few years a mysterious group of people have been aiming at May's head in order to rule over Atlantis. But with her winning the people of Atlantis' votes for the past four years, it was no wonder people started aiming for her life.

Time: "Stop calling me that ridiculous name already. Time does not need a name."

May: "Then you start calling me May! We're all friends here."

Time: "We are the concepts of Nature, Space, and Time for you humans, and you are these peoples Chancellor. We are not friends. And this Rat will be handed over to the Creator, wha?! Where did that Rat run off to!?"

Time began tossing the assorted fabrics looking for that chaotic rat.

May: "Are you three still chasing after Baelz? I told you to stop chasing her, she's not doing anything terrible. I mean, I will admit that she causes trouble for people here and there. But no one gets badly hurt."

Time turns around to see Chancellor May kindly petting Baelz on its head as a kind gesture.

Time: "Chancellor, I told you many times not to associate with that rat. It's very powerful and dangerous. It's just as powerful as one of us, maybe even more powerful than all three. We can't leave it on earth until it's ready to destroy us all."

Sana: "Kronini's right Maymay, I know you humans like to attach yourselves to things really quickly. But we can't leave it be."

May: "Then why can't you guys catch it?"

Time stands up to dust herself off and leaves the fabric stand to stand next to the two.

Time: "Because for some reason our current power isn't strong enough to stop it. If we could use all of our strength, then maybe."

Fauna: "And in doing so we would not only be going against Omegaa's rules, but quite possibly destroying the earth as well."

Fauna came floateing in as if she was like a leaf in the wind, gently landing next to Sana and Kronii.

Time: "But for some Strange reason, it's really fond of you humans. You in particular Chancellor."

May: "Maybe it's because I don't pick on her like you three. Oh! That reminds me Kronii, did you ever find that mysterious person you were looking for?"

Time: "Not yet. One second I see them, but every time I turn around to perssu them they're gone. I need to find them and fast, for some reason their counter keeps going up and down. You human life counters are not supposed to do that."

Fauna: "I'll have my followers to keep their eyes out for them."

Sana: "I will also have my followers do the same."

Time's face sours at the word followers.

Time: "Don't bother with them, they wouldn't even know what to look for even if we told them. I'll be at the courthouse if anyone needs me, and you rat don't think that you are free just yet. I'll be back to bring you to the Creator soon enough."

And without another word Kronii left for Atlantis' Courthouse, to run through the many books she has written by the rules the Omegaa has given them all to follow.

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