Ch. 10 The War Begins

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In the ocean, Darkness finds herself drifting.

Darkness: "W-Where am I? I feel so weak... Last thing I can remember, I was alone drifting in the void. But here, it feel... Cold?"

Darkness slowly started to open her eyes and saw a small glimmer of light.

Darkness: "Ah. I must be back in the lab... Wait? What lab?"

Then suddenly flashes of Darkness past memories started to flud her mind. Causing her both physical and mental pain.

Darkness: "N-No! Not Again! I Don't Want Your Light! Ah! I Just Wanted To Be With Her Once More! W-Wait! W-Who's her?"

The last memory Darkness remember was that of the first girl who showed her kindness. Just before she lost her life right in front of Darkness.

Girl: "Did you know purple is my favorite color."

Darkness then could feel her body begin to shift and change. Rage starting to take control of Darkness.

Darkness: "T-THIS! T-ThIs Is AlL yOuR fAuLt! OMEGAA!"

Meanwhile, back in Atlantis. People from all around started to gather to show their support for the election on their new Chancellor of Atlantis. Food venders littered the streets. Performers preform their best, catching any passer byer's eyes. Everything for the election day has been going perfect. The Concepts, Fauna and Sana, sat down on their thrones as they wait for the ceremony to begin.

Sana: "Where's Kronii and Bae?"

Fauna: "Bae I haven't seen nor heard from her all day. She's probably wandering around with the people. As for Kronii, hehe. You should know well where she is. She's been nothing but a panic mess for the past few days. Kronii's been with May all day, going over everything for today. Making sure that everything goes right."

Sana: "And Here I thought Kronii was finally starting to learn how to relax."

Fauna: "I don't know about relaxed, but she certainly started to care for the people more, specially with May."

Sana: "Do you think that Kronii may be in love?"

Fauna's face turned sour with worry at Sana's little joke.

Fauna: "I don't know about that, but she certainly tends to favor her more these days. I truly hope that is not the case, for our well being and humanity's. We truly mustn't mess with the balance that Omegaa gave us, too much. Other wise, Bae might do something drastic. Hehe, You know?"

Fauna smiled throwing her own little joke at Sana. Sana could probably die from laughing how hard at Fauna's little joke was.

Sana: "You're right, haha! Who knows what our little Bae will do next. Ooo! Looks like their about to start soon."

In May's bedroom, Kronii was frantically pacing the floor while May was finishing getting dressed. May then sat down at her dresser and started to brush her hair.

Kronii: "Hurry up May, there's only a few minutes until you have to give your speech. You can worry about your hair later."

May: "Oh Kronii, stop worrying. I'll be done in a few minutes today's very special for me."

Kronii: "How is today any more special then any other election you had?"

May then opened a drawer and pulled out a hair tie with two feathers on it.

May: "Because a very special friend will be watching me today. So I would like to look my best if possible."

May then tied her hair up into a pony tail with the two feathers sticking up right, and then turned around giving Kronii the brightest smile she could ever have. Kronii couldn't help but blush at her friends beauty.

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