Pt. 7 Contractor

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Tomorrow was the day for the long awaited Election for the people of Atlantis. Everyone was excited for the awaited results, even the mighty fisherman of Atlantis was excited.

Fisherman: "It won't be long now, Chancellor May is a sure win."

Older Fisherman: "That may be true boy, her competition is pretty lacking this year I'd say. The man has no backbone."

Child Fisherman: "I can't wait for the celebration for Chancellor May. I hear that there will be lots of food to go around."

Fisherman: "That is true my son but the fish for the past week have seemed to be pretty scares. I pray for the Concepts that we won't have a food shortage for the upcoming winter."

Older Fisherman: "I pray with."

Without paying attention to the nearby water, something swam swiftly towards the docks. Emerging from the waters without being seen by the few fishermen who were currently working. She then made her way to the temple for the Keeper of Nature.

Meanwhile the Concepts were gathered by the Citadel, waiting for their weekly get together. It seems that Space, Nature, Time, and Chaos have grown a lot closer with each other. Now they plan to have lunch together once a week. When suddenly a small explosion erupted from the small nearby research lab. The four Concepts ran to the building worried about what happened. Luckily it only seems to be just smoke for now. As the researchers began leaving the building, so did Chancellor May.

All Concepts: "May!"

Time was the first to run to May's side. Kronii then helped May out faster out of the building.

May: "Caugh, chaugh. I'm fine everyone. Just a few light burns.

Fauna: "What happened?!"

May: "Remember that experiment where we tried to get electricity as a source of energy? We were trying again, but as you can see today was another failure."

Kronii: "I told you to not do anything dangerous, especially now with the election being tomorrow."

Kronii took May into her hands as she helps wip some of the soot off of May's face.

May: "Kronii I said I was fine.."

Kronii: "Just hold still idiot."

The other three Concepts couldn't help but laugh a little seeing how motherly Kronii has gotten towards May lately. She used to be so cold towards humanity, but now she is probably the most soft. Whenever something happens to humans she always tries her best to support them, especially when it comes to May.

May: "So, where shall we go for lunch today?"

Fauna: "A new restaurant has opened nearby Natures temple, when I went by it this morning it looked really nice and the food smelled wonderful."

Sana: "Oh! I think I know the one you're talking about. I went there a few days ago. They had this amazing beverage that uses the water from the carbonated springs outside of Atlantis, and different fruits and roots to make a delicious juice."

May's eyes shined with curiosity, fascinated by the new discovery that one of her people had made.

May: "Alright let's go and see this new restaurant!"

The concepts knew all too well when May got that look in her eyes, there was no way of changing her mind. The group of friends made their way to the restaurant, to find that they had quite the line today. But luckily the owner recognized the Keeper of Nature and her friends. Granting them a table on the second floor's balcony. Everyone bowed in respect for the great ones that have entered their place of feasting. At their table just as everyone was sitting down a child with white hair came up behind Fauna giving her a friendly embrace.

Fauna: "Oh my! I see that you made it back safely."

Bae: "Who's the kid Fauna?"

Fauna: "Oh I guess I have yet to introduce you all. Her name is Gawr Gura, she is my Contractor."

All Concepts: "WHAT!"

May was lost to the conversation as she set her menu down.

May: "What's a Contractor?"

Kronii pinched the rim between her eyes as she let out a long sigh.

Kronii: "A Contractor is basically our hand picked servant. If we are unable to do a task then we grant some of our powers to a being. Allowing them to handle the task. But, Omegaa only allowed us to form One Contractor for each of us."

Fauna: "I don't see what's so bad about me having a Contractor. You already have your Kronii."

Kronii: "That's because he was Contractor that Omegaa picked for me. Omegaa told you to pick your Contractor's wisely."

Fauna: "And I did. When I met Gura, despite still being just a child. She was the most respectful human follower among my timpel. I felt like I should reward her for pledging to me."

Fauna gave Gura a motherly head pat, who was still hiding behind Fauna.

Fauna: "Come now little one, introduce yourself."

Gura shyly stood in front of everyone as she fidget with her white dress and hid her obvious sharks tail.

Gura: "H-hewoo, meh name is Gawr Gura. It ish nish to meet yoo."

May: "Aw! You are so Cute! It's nice to meet you, Gura. I am Chancellor May, and these are our friends who are the other Concepts. The grumpy looking one is Kronii, the cinnamon roll is Sana, and the other child looking one is Bae."

Bae: "Hey! Who are You calling a Child!"

Kronii: "Haha, I mean she's not wrong Bae. And I'm not grumpy all of the time."

Sana: "Maymay, what's a cinnamon roll?"

Gura looked in awe at how friendly everyone was being towards her. Looking back when she became a Contractor, the humans distanced themselves from her. But luckily the Concepts weren't like that they all accepted her without question.

Fauna: "Now then Gura, seen as you are back in Atlantis. I can assume that you have finished the task I sent you to do."

Gura shyness went away and a grim look replaced it.

Gura: "I-it twas as Fauna suspected. The ocean sea life is dis, dis-order-ly. And I haven't seen any birbs around. I twied to swim clouser but I was too scared to."

Gura's eyes started to water as she remembered swimming in the ocean. Fauna comforted Gura by giving her a warm hug.

Fauna: "It's just as I feared."

May stood up worried that something might have happened.

May: "What is it,Fauna?"

Fauna: "For a while now the animals have been acting strange lately. And I was able to pinpoint a location, so I sent Gura to look into it for me. And judging by her reaction, I can only say that it's not something that either of us are aware of."

Bae: "...a few days ago I felt something fall from Earth. I went to look at it but on the ocean's water I lost the trail. Even I couldn't tell what it was."

Just then gravity became a little more heavy than it normally is. Everyone turns towards Sana in fear as they saw a fearsome look in her eyes as she gripped her hand.

May: "S-Sana!"

Sana broke free from her fears and looked at her friends with worry.

Sana: "S-sorry everyone! I-I didn't mean to.."

Kronii looked at Sana worried that she might know something. Sana has never been angry at anything.

Kronii: "Do you know anything about this, Sana?"

Sana: "N-no, it's nothing. I just remembered something a long long time ago. But I doubt that what Gura might have saw, she wouldn't be alive right now..."

May: "Sana, if its something that dangerous I need you to tell us. Especially me, so that I can protect my people."

Sana's body shook in fear as she remembers that time when it was just herself and Omegaa.

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