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Erica POV.

Music is heard faintly in the background as I spin around on my computer chair, messing around, trying to come up with an idea for my 500,000 subscriber special. So far I have nothing. Nothing. No ideas, no lists, nothing. I turn to my right to face my bill board and gaze upon all the photos that have been plastered on there. Various photographs of when I was younger to when I first went to a convention are pinned there. I smile as I see one on where I first won an award for being top in the clas. I smirk to how ironic it is now. As I'm looking through photos, my eyes get caught on a list. A list that looks like it's been written from years ago. My fingers grasp at it grazing at the frayed paper. I decide to read it, it must've been important if it's still here, I think to myself as I start to read the words that are messily written on the page. 'A message to my future self' I read the title and instantly memories flood into my brain. I smile, I remember this now. I was 6 when this happened, me and Arissa were bored and so we started writing letters to random people and one thing led to another and here is the letter I wrote to myself. I'm surprised it's managed to stay on my billboard. I was thinking I might've thrown this away by now by accident.

I carry on reading, memories still pouring into my brain like water as my eyes scan the ink that's imprinted, taking in all the words.

'Dear future Erika.' Wow, I couldn't even spell my own name correctly back then. 'This is a letter for you to read from your six yer old self, hopefuly by now you haf your driferz license. At leest I think thats how its spelt.' I crack a smile, well six year old me, I have disappointed you. I'm now 16 and I haven't cracked my licence virginity. Yeah I call it that, got a problem? Thought not.

'I just wont to say that hopefuly you r doing ok and that no matter wot, as long as you love yourself, it's going to be ok. That's what momma told me. Arissa wonts to say somefing now, "I love you Erica, remember that" ok future Erika, good luck! I'm rooting for you!' My eyes fill with tears as I finish reading the letter, past memories flood my brain as I distinctively remember my mum. She died a few years ago. I was 11. My dad couldn't take the pain and soon went after her. No matter what people say about them, I still love them and in my eyes, what they did was purely out of love.

I fold the letter neatly and set it aside on my desk. An idea pops into my head and I wipe the tears flowing and start to record. Not for my special, but for a filler episode, a hype video.

"Hey guys! Erica here and in this video we're going to talk about memories..."

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