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I hope you enjoy the first chapter of Kidnapped by Will?! Tell me what you think and what was your favourite chapter? :)

I'll see you in the next chapter!

Enjoy :)




The sound of blaring alarms awaken me, filling me with the noise of pure torture, waking me suddenly. I try to roll over to stop the annoying sound; but this is my life, so, instead of turning it off, I end up falling off my bed. My soft, luxurious bed.

"FUCK!" I scream in pain making my sister burst into laughter, I roll my eyes at her and rub my head, it's always pleasant to know that your dear old sister will do anything to know your health care. On a second note, why the hell is she in my room? It's called my room for a reason.

Her laughter starts to fade out but unfortunately a smug smile replaces it as she beams down at me, "Morning sunshine,"

I flip her the finger and she fake gasps at me, I roll my eyes and continue to rub the pain away from the bruise that is now forming on my head, Arissa continues to beam down at me, ignoring the fact that I'm in pain and not even bothering to ask if I'm okay! "You do know most kind hearted sisters would ask if their frail younger sister is okay in times like this? You do know that right?" it's her turn to roll her eyes at me,

"Whatever," she flips me off, how charming, I give her an unsatisfied look and she sighs before speaking again, "Oh come on Erica! Don't give me that look! I only woke you up because today is Minecon!" hearing those words, I immediately shoot up from the floor, ignoring any of the previous pain because it is then replaced by brand new agony as I hit the side of my bed once again.

I curse violently as the pain shoots through my scalp, triggering my sister to burst out some more laughter. I choose to ignore her and curl up into a ball, rubbing my head frantically that I won't be surprised if I could cause electricity. After some time, the pain subsides and Arissa is still laughing.

She's still in my room?

Arissa's laugh dies down a bit until she looks at me again which sets her off so I roll my eyes at her stupidity. Actual tears start rolling down her cheeks and that's when I finally lose it with her. She's like 4 years older than me and here she is, laughing at me like I'm some kind of peasant, after I severely injured myself. She could at least have some sympathy.

Seconds later, I give her the, 'if you don't leave my room in the next five seconds I will literally kill you' look which thankfully makes her stop her goose laugh instantly once seeing how serious I'm being. Arissa exits my room silently with her head hanging low slightly, but it's not until she closes the door when she bursts out laughing again like she's witnessed the funniest thing in her entire lifetime, "I'm not deaf stupid!" I shout at he in hope that she'll die down but all my hope is lost when all that does is make her laugh more. I let out an exasperated sigh and continue to rub my head, fucking hell this is giving me a migraine, the laughing, not the pain.

As soon as I look up towards my calendar, I start to smile, covered in neon highlighters and glitter pens is the title; "THE DAY I GO TO MINECON AND MAKE BABIES WITH WILL JK SEAN" written all over today's date and I mentally face palm. Not only is that the longest title I've ever made a date, it is also got to be the most stupidest title I have ever made as well.

Realising the date even more, I smile giddily as I notice that I'm going to hopefully meet The Cube guys as well on this trip of awesomeness and amazingness. See? Why couldn't I make that the title for today? Rolling my eyes at my stupidity, I make a mental checklist on what I should do and who I should meet whilst getting ready for the upcoming day.

Well to start off I must meet Devon! He's always made me smile and he's such an inspiration to the community - Scratch that, the world! If I don't meet him I will literally eat a whole sock.

Next, Julio Gonzalez because he's always been strong and funny, no matter what shit that happens to stand in his way, he'll take the positive route and make a big joke afterwards, no matter what he'll always have a special place in my heart.

Then why not Sean? He's hilarious and has the cutest laugh in the entire existence of the universe, plus, if I didn't have my heart taken by another YouTuber, he'll definitely would've captured my heart in a mili-second.

Afterwards probably Jordan because no matter what has put him down, he's always managed to stay on the top, thick and thin I will always support Jordan, and for some reason Arissa seems to have taken an extreme liking in him as well.

Last but not least Will, you could probably tell that he's always been my favourite - just look at my calendar titles, and although he's not really persistent, he always makes sure he puts the best of the best content out there on YouTube, and nobody can deny that he's incredibly dreamy... Just thinking about meeting him makes me excited.

I start day dreaming, unaware that I've turned on the shower without checking if it's warm. My thoughts are shorten as the first droplets of shower water makes contact with my skin. A dunk of freezing water coming afterwards.

By instinct, I turn the shower off and start jumping around like a maniac on steriods. A lot to handle, I know...


Without warning, my dreams are damaged by Arissa as she screams, "We're here!" awakening me from my luxurious slumber yet again, telling me that we have finally arrived at the hotel that we're going to be staying at. I shake my head a bit, mumbling unknown words, until Arissa literally yanks me up and it's only then when I realise that we're in America.

Groaning, I slide out of the yellow vehicle, paying the taxi driver since Arissa has left me to explore the hotel, without me.

The rest of things happen in a blur, we wait in line before checking in and running up the stairs to our provided bedroom. That I only realise now that I have to share with Arissa. Oh great.

As soon as the door opens, I push ahead of Arissa, taking a quick glimpse of the room before quickly deciding which bed I should have before Arissa gets in, "Dibs the fat bed!" I scream, sprinting and jumping on top of the bed, letting it consume me. Oh this is the life baby.

"You know most British people are polite and kind and let the other person choose first..." Arissa starts to say,

"Yes. That is why you are the British person at the moment," I smile at her, my words muffled by the pillow while she throws a pillow at me. I laugh and we both start to have a pillow fight.

I think Minecon is gonna be memoriable.

And I didn't realise how right I was going to be.


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