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Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! A lot of feels might attack you, just saying... You have been warned.

Tell me what your favourite part was in the comments below!

– R



My eyes are still glued onto Will, blinking rapidly to see if this is all a figment of my imagination and if this is all some strange, fucked-up dream. I try to rub my eyes, but I can't as the chains restrict me, making Will chuckle a little.

This is all real.

Holy shit.

I can barely move, my mouth's agape and all Will can do is smile at me. It's not a full grown smile either, it's a smirk that's plastered straight onto his face that is practically meant for me.

Okay, I sound really weird now...

He gets up and my eyes travel to every movement he makes, he then goes around and before I know it, I'm out of the stupid handcuffs he put me in earlier-

-Wait, Will put me in handcuffs! That fucker...

"Hey," Will says, bringing me back to reality, away from any thoughts that were currently ruling my mind, "How was your day today?" he asks, and I cock an eyebrow whilst noting the fact that he's back to his original position, his face towards me and all of his weight being supported on one elbow. Is he being serious right now? I roll my eyes at his question which makes him pout a little.

"Are you being serious here?" I ask, rubbing my wrists to get the blood flow back to my hands, the feeling now becoming fuzzy which means I'm about to get pins and needles. Great.

"Yes, Erica, I"m being 100% serious," Will states and I give in a smirk. He wants to know how my day was? For goodness sake, he was practically there 95% of the time. The other 5% being the morning on where I was with Arissa. He must have something coming afterwards.

"Um, okay, you were in most of my day though, so you already know what happened in 'my day' today." I retort sassily which triggers Will to roll his eyes,

"I have amnesia," Will replies flatly and I laugh a little,

"You shouldn't joke about stuff like that Will," I say

"Just tell me how was your day...Please,"

I give out a sigh, he really knows how to persuade someone, then again, I don't think anyone could resist saying no to Will, no matter what. Well, me anyway, "Okay fine," I start and Will smiles, "My day was okay...Um... a lot of unfortunate twists though..." I trail off so he has a chance to adapt to all the words I said. Those unfortunate twists were me kissing Liam and getting kidnapped and yada yada yada, you get the gist.

Will nods his head as if saying he understands and we sit in silence for quite a while before Will gives me a look as if he's asking me if I'm stupid. "What?" I ask him, finally breaking the silence and Will lets out an exasperated sigh, "Aren't you going to ask me how my day was?"

I'm taken aback by his response, "Um...Okay, how was your day?" I ask, clearly confused on what's going to happen next.

"It was decent," he replies casually without skipping a beat and I stare at him with pure confusion. What the hell? What was that for?

I stare at him like a goldfish, unsure on what I should do next. It's not until when Will takes a look at me when the confusion ends. He takes one look at me before bursting out in laughter like it's the most funniest thing that he's ever looked at and my confusion is quickly taken over by annoyance. What's so funny?!

Like he's just read my mind, Will stops laughing for a minute before saying, "You-yo-your face! It's like you've seen a ghost!" I roll my eyes at his idiocity and turn around in a huff. He's just like Arissa.

Will's laughter dies down a little, however, his smile stays on and to be honest, I'm kind of glad it is, it definitely suits him better than a frown - Will's smile could probably get him to do anything. Depending on how he uses it... Where is this going? I have no idea.

"You want to know why it was decent?" he asks me, completely stunning me with his sudden outburst, destroying every ounce of silence that was once there,

"Hmm?" I let him continue,

"The only downfall was that you kissed Liam instead of me," he states, and before I can even register what he just said, Will pushes me back and locks his lips onto mine.

My eyes widen in shock as I process what's happening - what scene is unfolding before my very own eyes... literally. Will is kissing me. Not me kissing him, but him kissing me.

I then realise that he's not backing down until he gets a response, so I try to enjoy the moment and close my eyes and let him kiss me.

You know in cliché books when people kiss they feel fireworks or whatever, well, mine and Will's kiss wasn't like that-

-Fuck that, our kiss was like WW3 happening between us, explosions and shit flying all around us, the sense of euphoria tingling all around my body as I realise that I am kissing my role model at the moment, the very person who inspires me to be me is acknowledging and kissing me at this very moment in time.

We finally end it (much to my disappoint, but shush), and I still lie there in shock, my brain still trying to figure out if what I just did was real or if this is all a figment of my imagination.

I then blink my eyes more and Will still sits there, a cheeky grin now ruling over his features, mischief lingering in his brown orbs. His tongue pokes out a little, adding more mischief in his whole face even more and I feel a sudden urge to squeeze his cheeks like he's a five year-old.

So you know what?

That's what I do.

I go up to him, making him frown a little, before my hands reach up and pinch is cheeks causing Will to scrunch his eyes and attempt to move away from him. I don't let him and just laugh at his pathetic aims of getting away. I tease him even more by making baby noises, making him grunt in annoyance but it isn't long until he starts laughing as well.

We stay like this for a while, messing around, laughing, basically having an entire day to ourselves. I'm not sure if we're even friends at all, but it doesn't moment in this moment of time, we're happy goofing off, whether the feeling be love or like but one thing's for sure.

I'm starting to fall in love with Mr. William Kiingsley.


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