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His loud cackle is all that is to be heard inside this room. His booming laugh is haunting, sending crazy shivers around my body and all I can do at this moment is shut my eyes and pray that he finally stops.

Why the hell did he kidnap me?

I'm lost in my thoughts that I don't even realise that it's finally quiet.

Maybe a little too quiet.

An eerie silence echoes everywhere and goosebumps are now forming at the places where my shivers were once. I let out a little sigh, barely audible, and I start to open my eyes again, but instead of being greeted by a light with darkness surrounding it, I'm greeting by a pair of creepy eyes, with a face tilted side ways, holding knife so close to my face that if I move any closer, it'll be straight through my face.

I instantly jolt backwards, nearly falling and the same repulsive laugh illuminates from his mouth.

I swear to motherfucking pigs if he doesn't shut up...

"What's wrong? Don't like playing with knives?" A sinister smile rises in his face as he waves the knife around, I flinch away from it, but keep my mouth shut, scared that if I say the wrong thing, I won't be breathing any time soon.

To my surprise, he lets out a dramatic sigh, pinches in between his eyebrows and seems... Disappointed?

"Look Erica, talk at least, jeez louise, it's like you're dead or something.." As soon as he says the last words he bursts out laughing like it's the funniest thing he's ever said,

"You're sick." I muster out, now shooting daggers,

"Aww, it's not my fault, you did this to yourself sweetheart,"

"Why the hell am I here Devon?"

"You like to go straight to the point don't you darling?"

"Stop calling me that,"

Devon rolls his eyes and walks away from me, leaving me in complete darkness until blinding lights come from everywhere, bouncing off every wall. I try to cover my eyes until I remember that I'm tied to a stupid chair. I then feel a tug and I'm being dragged to one of the sides of the room. My back hits the wall forcefully and I wince as new pain rattles through my spine.

Devon is about to speak when his phone rings, he gives me a knowing smirk before answering, covering my mouth in the process. I wriggle around, biting and licking his hand but he doesn't remove his hand, if anything, he pushes it further, preventing me from doing anything. Rolling my eyes, I stop moving and decide to listen whatever Devon is saying and try to make out who's on the phone.

"... Is he dead? Ok good, bring him here... Yes I've still got the girl... Yes the other one too, don't you trust me?... Where are you now?.... Okay, make sure he's unconscious until he gets here... Yeah, yeah, whatever... Okay... Bye," He hangs up, removes his hand and I let out a sigh of relief,

"Who were you talking to?" I find myself asking,

"Curiosity killed the damn cat Erica,"

Well I'd rather have the cat dead than me wondering what the fuck is going on.


Kidnapped By Will?! | KiingtongWhere stories live. Discover now