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Erica POV.

I wake up and see that Liam is lying on the floor peacefully because he insisted of not taking the bed like a gentleman, Parker has somehow fallen off the bed although he got the most room out of us all and me and Julio are too close to my liking.

"Julio get the fuck off me." I push, causing him to stir a little, I don't care who you are, if you're too lose, I will not hesistate to be like a stuck up bitch.

"What the hell man?" He says, "it's like 1am,"

"Actually it's 10, so get off,"

"Wha-" He doesn't get to finish his sentence as I literally push him off my bed, I hear a groan, well a series of groans and realise that I pushed Julio on top of Parker by acident, oops.

I jump out of my bed quickly so I don't have to hear the curse words they're most probably going to throw at me and I rush downstairs to see what's for breakfast.

I see that Jordan is cooking what looks like eggs and bacon and lick my lips hungrily.

"Please tell me you're going to stay here forever," I plead Jordan, wrapping my arms around his waist,

"Trust me, with a girl like Arissa, you'll have to throw me out if you want to get rid off me," I chuckle and then process the words he said causing me to let go and groan in disgust,

"Oh don't do that Erica, how about you and Will? What do you two have?" I stare at him in pure shock, I totally forgot about Will.....Whoops.

"How about this, let's go visit him today, how does that sound?" I smile and hug him again,

"If you ever think of leaving, I'll literally tie you to a chair to stop you from escaping," He chuckles and I smile.

Today I'm going to meet Will again.





Most people have already left because they had to which made me cry a little but then I realised that I was not a fan of theirs anymore but more like a friend so it wouldn't be the last time I see them.

I say good bye to Zack, Julio, Liam and unfortunatley Parker and watch them leave for their departure,

"It won't be the last time I see them will it?" I ask Sean hugging onto him as we wacth them fade into the distance,

"I highly doubt it Erica since they are like addicted to you like a drug now," I smile at him and we make our way to the car.


"WE'RE HERE!" Jordan awakes me from my slumber, where's the nice Jordan who wake me up nicely? He's been hanging out wayyy to much with my sister.

I realise we're in Devon, where Will lives and my lips instantly curl up to a smile.

I don't know why but I have this adrenaline rush inside of me and I can't get rid of it,

"How are we going to find Will in here?" Joe asks looking around once we've all gotten out of the car,

"Trust me, I know where he lives," Jordan says and I can't help but cough 'stalker' under my breath, he gives me a weird look and so I stare at him innocently hoping he didn't hear what I said.

"Jusst keep on going foward until you reach number 25, that's his house, got it Erica?" Jordan tells me like I'm a little child, "Whatever you do, do not go down the alleyway that's there, understood?"

"Haha, you said do do," I chuckle and he gives me a serious look which makes me straighten up,

"Yes I understand Jordan. But why can't any of you guys come with me?"

"Because you're the one who wants to see him right? It's more special if you see him....Alone..."

"Ok then..." I drag on and separeate myself from the group, they said they'll stay where they are, just by the cafè whilst I go talk to Will.

What do I say though?

What if I mess up?

What if he doesn't want to see me anymore?

What if-

I stop at stare for a moment.

I see two people kissing,

One of them looks familiar but I don't jump to conclusions yet.

I stare closelly and realise my suspicions were correct.

I walked into the alleyway that I wasn't suppossed to go to.

I see Will though.

Just kissing another girl.


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