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Erica POV.

I slam the door of my bedroom and instantly go and lie down on my bed which ultimately feels like heaven at the moment, "Never again will I work out more than 20 minutes. Ever." I whisper into my pillow, "Except when I actually need to get fit... Like right now," I persuade myself to get up but I fall straight onto the ground, "Even this dirty rug is more comfortable right now," I murmur before realising that it's dirty and shooting back up again. You need a  work out Erica, you need to get that 'summer body' before summer actually gets here, which is just around the corner...

"Wow, it's worse than we thought," My eyes snap up to the sound of Jordan's voice and I see Jordan and Arissa standing next to each other, still in their workout gear only now drinking out of their 'matching' water bottles. I say matching, well, they couldn't be any more different. To their eyes it's exactly the same though, so I won't argue with that, especially since Arissa is still pregnant.

Oh yeah, about Arissa's baby, she's three months in and she looks like her stomach has been inflated with a balloon pump. The doctor encourages her to do exercise though, as much to her protest, she does it anyway, after all, they want their baby to be fit.

"Erica, we're about to go get some groceries, wanna join?"

"No. That last 20 minutes was torture. I just wanna stay inside, eat a bunch of junk food and watch YouTube or Netflix for the rest of the day. Please." They look at me with blank faces, probably wondering whether or not they should actually leave me or bring me to a mental asylum or something. I can't help it if I don't like being fit, I'm a gamer, not some girl who wants a 'perfect summer bod,'. Actually, now that I think about it, I kinda do, but I wish it didn't have to come in a form of exercise. If I could lose weight by every time I killed someone in a game, geez louise, I think I'd be a stick right now, not bragging or anything, I've been playing video games for a long time so you can kinda add up the kills from my lifetime.

"Ok, suit yourself," Jordan says, spinning his car keys as he detaches himself from my door frame, Arissa joining shortly.

I watch them leave and close the door before exhaling heavily. I look up to the ceiling mouthing the words 'Thank you,' whilst hearing the faint sound of a car drifting away.

After a few moments, I ponder around, wondering what I should do next, I could record some Minecraft, but I don't want to do it alone, I then think about asking one of the Cube guys if they can lend me a few 'mins' before realising the time zone difference and what time it would be for them now. Sighing, I scroll on twitter, checking any new activity or anything that could help me cure my boredom and tiredness right now apart from sleeping, which I shouldn't do because my sleep schedule is already fucked up, don't want to be messing around with it more do I?

A tweet from @CallMeUpGraser catches my eye, so I click on it and see what it says, 'Hey! Have you ever thought about live streaming before?' My eyes blink out of stupidity and cluelessness as I read over the tweet again and again. Live stream? Would people be interested in that? Am I capable for carrying on commentary? I mean, I guess, I don't normally have to edit out parts of recordings, I can keep a commentary, but will people enjoy it? That's the question.

I click reply and start typing, 'Yeah, if people would be interested in that type of stuff ;) <3' Thousands of replies happen in seconds and the majority of them are from CallMeUpGraser freaking out. I smile, it's nice to know I have that type of impact on people.

I start searching up tutorials on how to set up a live stream and then I make my way of putting this new stream system into place. I decide what I'm going to do and how long I'm going to do it and whether I should archive or not. I log into my Twitch account that was made ages ago so I could subscribe to the Cube members before I was friends with them and I set up and finally press record.

I film my face and insert that into frame and at last I tweet out that I'll be streaming for a couple of hours and the next thing I know, I have a couple hundred views.

"Well, hello I guess? I'm Erica if you didn't know, and um... I'm streaming? I mean, it's pretty obvious," I chuckle slightly before going onto Mineplex, "Shall we go onto Mineplex?" I say in a stereotypical British accent before going into some Dragon Escape and making some new stream memories.

A couple of hours pass by and all the time I've been on Mineplex, interacting with the chat. I decide to pop in another question and ask, "How many of you guys are from England? And if you're not, where are you and what time is it for you?" The chat steams up with a bunch of places around the world and I struggle to keep up. Various places like Chicago, Brazil, London, Australia, Finland, Paris, pop up, and my eyes open in awe as I realise I have fans all across the globe. Who would've knew?

"Looks like you guys are everywhere!" I laugh, "Who has school tomorrow?" Everyone in chat replies with yes, "How many of you have to wake up in a couple of hours?" A few people respond, "Don't waste your time with me, go to sleep! I'll definitely stream more often after this experience!" I say with a laugh and suddenly some people bid themselves with 'goodnight' and I smile to myself.

I make people smile.

And most of them live across the globe.

Isn't that fantastic?


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