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Will POV.

My hands scramble against the fabric of my mattress as I stare up to the pale colour of my ceiling. My hair's static as I constantly twist and turn, rubbing my head against my pillow. I can't go to sleep. How long have I been trying to go to bed now? 3, 4 times? I exhale deeply, giving up entirely of my chance of sleep. Guessing I'm not getting that 2 hour nap I wanted. I look over to the battered clock beside me and I just about make out the numbers 2:30.


I slide my legs over my bed and take a swift gaze out my bedroom window. The foggy panes allow me to see a clear view of my quiet city of Devon. It's afternoon at Autumn which can only mean that darkness is nearing. Not that I mind, I prefer dark over light if I'm honest.

My eyes dart around my room, the bookshelf now returned to it's rightful place and you can almost see everything back to normal in my room. Like nothing ever happened. Like I never got into that fight with Sean, like I never met Erica. If only that was true...

I decide sitting down and moping about the past isn't going to do any good so I decide to head downstairs and see what's going on with my family. Ever since I was emitted into hospital, I've been a lot closer to my family, and I'm quite grateful. It would be better if they weren't checking up on my every second, interrupting recordings, but all's good. They mean no harm and I'm happy about that. Speaking of my YouTube, I've started recording on The Cube more often, live streaming a bit more, even making amends with some of the Cube guys, all but Sean.

The smell of spaghetti  greets me as I walk into the kitchen, the sight of my mum and dad cooking clearly visible, I smile as I see them. They're messing around with the sauce, splattering it all over each others faces, one day I hope to have a relationship like my parent's, best friends just with the added love thing.

"Hey, I would actually like sauce on my pasta so if you could save some then that'll be great, thanks," I say, grabbing a grape and throwing it into my mouth. A smile forms on both their faces as my dad grabs a towel and begins wiping sauce off his and my moms face.

"Hey, I'd appreciate it if you weren't so sassy, mister, thanks," My mum retorts, whacking my dad as he tries to lean in for a kiss, "And as for you," She carries on hitting my dad, only this time, with a tea towel, "Ow! Jeez Carrie, stop! I'm sorry! Ow!" They start chasing each other and I decide I've had enough sighting of my parents for one day.

"I'm gonna take a walk!" I shout, hoping that they can hear me as I walk out, my sock covered feet now slipping against the tiled floor beneath me.

I head on up to my bedroom, grabbing my phone in the process along with my headphones, coat and keys and head back downstairs but this time, out to front door.

I lock the door, checking it twice before picking a direction down my road and start walking. I plug my headphones in and click shuffle on my playlist, I'm not too sure where I'm going, nor do I know how long I'll be but then again, mysteries and adventures are fun. With one last puff of air, I venture off, already making mental notes for a few shops and cafés I can stop at.

I arrive at a café I'm quite familiar with, but when I walk inside, I realise I've never been here before. I'm greeted with a waitress, her hair falls just under her shoulders, the colour ombré, blue and white, her eyes a sparkling grey mist,  her lips thin, a light shade of pink. Her make up is subtle, not at all visible unless you're as close as I am towards her.

"Table for one?" She asks me, her voice cracked, like it has a need for water,

"Um, yeah, just me," She doesn't say anything back, just simply nods and walks me to a table with a view out the window, not that it's interesting, it's just an empty parking lot. I ask for a glass of water and she nods again, leaving me in my own company.

Strange, I think, maybe there's more than meets the eye with that girl. I decide to not let that bother me too much because she is just a waitress, who knows how long she's been here, saying the same thing over and over again, I may be a commentator, but even I know saying things repetitively can be annoying as fuck.

The same waitress hands me a glass of water and I thank her by nodding my head briefly. She leaves me and all I can do is watch her leave.

I grab my phone out of my pocket swiftly, checking to see if I have any messages or such and it seems like I do.

(3) Messages from Unknown.

Help Will.

Will help me.

It's Lacey.

(1) Message from Erica.

Will... We need to talk...

(1) Message from Unknown

Will, you better watch your step.

~ J


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