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The next few hours are absolute hell.

Devon exits the room, leaving me in my own despair and confusion.

But mostly boredom.

I'm still tied to a chair and I've had about 7 cramps since he's left.

He hasn't came back.

I've tried singing to cheer me up, only to find myself even more bored than I was before, which I thought wasn't even possible. Apparently it is.

I then end up rocking forwards and backwards on my chair, letting out dramatic sighs and belting out curse words, hoping that someone, anyone, would keep me entertained.

It doesn't even have to be a rescue mission for me or anything, someone can literally just sit down right in front of me, say nothing and I would be less bored than I am right now. Heck- they could be eating and that would make me happier, and I take my food very seriously.

Some people say a little too seriously.

Scanning my eyes for the millionth time, I try and focus on something to keep me company.

There's nothing.

The room I'm placed in is just as exciting as my social life at the moment. It's completely bare apart from a few knocked down chairs, litter on the floor and a window locked down with bars, letting the tiniest amount of light through.

Which gets me onto light.

Luckily for me, I'm not longer blinded by the stupid lightbulb, which right now, is the only thing good that's happened. Instead, a proper light ignites the room, letting me see the proper, full details about everything. Like how cracked and pale the walls are and how crusty the door is, also let's not forget about how disgusting the floor is, at least I can now see the aged dust floating around me, my nose inhaling it and now letting the dust digest into my body...

...Okay, maybe I'm making this situation worse than it already is.

Worst thing is, my body is starting to fail me. I'm not sure if it's the ancient dust or my flesh being wounded for so long, but as time passes on, I feel myself getting drowsy, I feel myself running out of energy, I feel myself giving up and dying.

I mange myself to stay alive, and fight for the last remaining energy left inside of me. My breaths are now shallow, but in this moment of time, it's better than nothing.

It's better than death.

Making the situation worse, I feel myself getting uncomfortable, clustered and the worst of them all, claustrophobic.

I fidget around, only making the ropes burn into my skin more and more, my face scrunching up by the pain. 'I swear to flying cows that if Devon comes in with a bullshit excuse on why he kidnapped me, I'll make sure he snorts up every piece of dust in this room like crack,' I think to myself. If he got me into this mess, he's the one that's going to get me out.

I let out yet another dramatic sigh and shift around some more, thinking of something that'll catch someone's attention. I rack up anything in my brain, leaving me nothing.

I mentally curse myself for somehow getting into this situation, and as I'm lost in my thoughts, I feel a tingling pain coming from my left foot and I mutter some profanities underneath my breath.

Fuck, I'm getting another cramp.


Kidnapped By Will?! | KiingtongWhere stories live. Discover now