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You wake up on the floor surounded by white, it seemed endless and you couldn't see anything neer you...

You see a figure walking around and when they see you they start to walk towards you, they waved at you and started walking faster.

???: Hey what are you doing out here?

The person asked you and now that they were closer you could what they were wearing, an ashy blue hoodie with slightly ripped jeans. Fingerless blue leather gloves and a pair of light grey sneakers, they had a star patterned band-aid on their nose. Their eyes with a misty green color and they had dirty blonde hair that went slightly pass their shoulders.

???: Its kinda rude to stare you know.

You blinked a few times before relising what they said.

You: Oh sorry! I didn't relise I was staring!

You stood up quickly and brushed yourself off, they just laughed and shook their head lightly.

???: Its alright, what your name kid

They placed their hands on their hips with a wide smile on their face, you didn't really trust this stranger all too well so you desided to go with a nickname they could call you instead.

You: You can call me (nick name).

They nodded with an even wider smile, if that was even posible.

???: Alrighty kid, you can call my Berry! Oh and just in case you wanted to know, I go by she/her pronouns.

She told you and you nodded with a small smile, she grabbed your hand and started walking towards something.

Berry: Don't worry kid, I'll get you home in no time, I've learned a few short cuts in my time here!

You had a cofused expression on your face because how did she know that you needed to get home?

You: H-how did you know that I needed to get home?

Berry: A lot of people have been getting telleported into the internet these past few days so I made it my job to make sure they get back home in one peice!

She said with an upbeat tone but it held a slight saddness to it, you frowned slightly because what about them? Did they have a home to get to? If so then why do they stay here?

Berry: Oh! Here a short cut that I like to take!

She dragged you pass a sign that said 'Hazbin Hotel/Helluva boss fandom', the whole blank white landscape turned into a place filled with different shades of reds and blacks. There was at least hundreds of blank people that had no faces, no hair, no clothes and nothing to show who they were.

They each had a medum sized screens infront of them and it seem that how they talked to eachother. They seem to be in clusters and either floating above a sertin person or walking beside a sertin person. The person they were floating above/walking beside didn't seem to notice them and nether did anyone else.

Berry: Hey there Artsy! I didn't know you hanged out here.

She seemed to be talking to a person that looked like a gamer and an artist mixed, they waved at Berry and they started talking.

Artsy: Hey who's this?

They seemed to notice you after talking with Berry for a bit, Berr looked over to you and saw that you were looking around at everything. Berry smiled at this but it seemed like a sad smile for some reason.

Berry: This is another one that got telleported into the internet so I'm showing them around some while taking them back into real life...

Artsy seem to look sadly at Berry as she told Artsy this, Artsy sighed saddly but you didn't seem to notice to sadness surounding you.

Berry: Sorry but I've got to get this one back into the real world so I've gotta go.

Berry started to drag you away again, Artsy waved goodbye to you two as you left and you waved back with a smile.

You: That looked like a cool place.

Berry smiled softly at you and nodded with a 'mhm', Berry's eyes seem to light up with an idea that they got, she stopped and let go of your hand. She grabbed a peice of papper and a pencil out of thin air and wrote something down on the peice of papper.

You looked over her shoulder to see what she was writing but she quickly snapped her fingures and the peice of papper and pencil disapeared just as fast as they apeared. Berry grabbed your hand again and started to walk towards another place for another short cut for you two...

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