Glitchy Love

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While you were getting to know your kidnappers, Berry was freaking out and muttering things that nobody could and if you did no one knew what she was saying. It was like a different language that nobody knew but her, Stardust was looking at their friend worried. They've never seen Berry like this since her first glitch incounter, Stardust was the only one that knew what happened.

Berry was helping someone get back to real life when it all happened, a glitch came out of nowhere and the person Berry was helping got attacked. The glitch affected them baddly, they grew animal parts and they weren't aloud to leave and go back into real life. Berry freaked out and started muttering and saying that weird language, the person had grown rat ears and a rat tail.

They freaked out and ran off somewhere, Berry followed them out of fear of them getting lost or hurt. The glitch had messed with them so now they could be hurt and Berry couldn't live with herself if she knew they were hurt. When they ran into the dark side of the network, Berry couldn't follow because that would mean risking getting stuck in there.

So when Berry saw them again, she was so happy to see that they were ok, she started to hang out with them more and more. Berry started seeing less and less of them untill they would bearly see them anywhere, Berry was sad because she actually started to fall for them. She was sure that they were catching feelings too but that was thrown out the window when she saw them hanging out with fox person.

They looked so happy with them, Berry knew that she would never be able to make them happy like that so she stopped trying. She stopped trying to get them to love her, she stopped trying to see them more but most inportantly she stopped trying to find love at all. That's why Stardust was suprised when she found out about you, with you Berry was trying to love again.

Stardust: Berry...calm down a bit ok, we'll find them.

Berry snapped her head to Stardust with a slightly angry expression but there was saddness and worry in it too

Berry: Calm down?! I can't CALM DOWN knowing that their out there somewhere with those glitches.

Stardust couldn't tell if Berry was talking about the actual glitches or the glitched people, they sighed and walked up to Berry, leaned down and set their hand on Berry's shoulders.

Stardust: We can look soon but you and the rest of us can't do that if your freaking out, I know that your worried but your not the only one worried about them so take a breath and calm down so we can go look for them because the more time you waste the more their out there.

Berry took and deep breath and started to calm down a bit, she nodded her head and Stardust smiled. They patted Berry's shoulder and walked towards someone to talk, Berry sighed and sat down on a chair. You were racing around in her mind as she sat there wondering if you were ok or if you were hurt, Berry didn't notice she was falling asleep thinking about you.

She would do anything to get you back in her arms...

She even considered going alone and fining you herself...

And if anyone got in her way...

Well let's just say that she is willing to kill for you...

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