Lost And Found

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The storm passed about a half an hour ago so you were just walking around with a frightened look on your face with your head slightly down and while hugging yourself. You couldn't go out and find Berry because she could have ended up anywhere, even if you did look for you didn't know if you could get hurt in here so she could be dead or just trying to find you.

???: Hey!

You looked towards the noise and kinda hoped it was Berry but it wasn't, it was just someone that looked like a ghost, wait what?

You saw them starting to run to you as you just stood there confused and waited for the person to get closer to you. They stopped a few feet infront of you and stopped to catch their breath before walking up to you. Now that they were closer you could see that they were really tall, you geussed about eight feet or so.

They had a form of crop top and legging that cut off at the knee, the leggings were galaxy the ed and it looked like a moving galaxy. They were kinda see through and their short purple-ish hair looked like it was mist with the way it moved and faded to nothing. Their eyes were pure white and they had their nails painted a a little puple color, they looked like a mythical being.

???: Hey there was a pretty bad reset over here, you ok?

They sounded like a girl which shocked you because they looked so much like a boy, you snapped out of your trance and remembered Berry.

You: M-my friend got taken by the wind when we were looking for shelter, she goes by the name Berry, do you know her?

You looked so sad, your eyes were watery and you were about to burst into tears, they looked at you with shock before it turned into slight sadness. They sighed and picked you up, they started to walk in the direction of where you came from.

???: Berry is a nice person when she needs to be and she started to help people like you when she desided to stay here then go back to the real world. Some of her friends tried to talk her out of it but it never worked, so she kept doing it for years and years.

???: This is the first time she's actually had trouble letting someone go, she is able to telleport to the gateway at one of her checkpoints around the begining. You must be her favorite since she's walking her way towards the gateway instead of using her checkpoint.

You took this all in while they walked over to the place you took shelter in, when you got there she set you down. You explained what happened when the storm started and to when Berry got swept away, they nodded and looked around the area. They pointed a direction, picked you up again and started running that way while you held on for your life.

They stopped and set you down gently, you looked around and saw something not too far away from you two. You ran to it and checked it but it wasn't Berry, you checked around for a while before you started to cry and break down. The mystery person rushed over to you and tried to comfort you  as you leaned into their side and cried.

After you calmed down you were starting to get tired so you fell asleep on the mystery person, they picked you up and snapped their fingers. A small hut apeared and they set you on the bed, it was hard for them to fit through the small doorway so they snapped their fingers aain and the hut grew bigger. They sat outside the hut and fell asleep there while you slept soundly on a comfy bed and dreamed of seeinb Berry again.

Berry though was trying to move without feeling pain zip through her, you see you could get hurt but it wouldn't show up. You could feel the pain, hell you could feel yourself dieing but you'd still be standing the next day. After a fall from a huge height, Berry felt did feel like she died, she could actually see you right now.

She had placed a tiny orb on you when she shook your hand when you first met, she obviously did that with everyone she helped just in case. She saw how sad you were and how lost you looked while wandering around without her, she was glad Stardust found you and helped you look for her. You were so close to her too, if you just keep looking you would be able to find her laying on her back with a pain filled expression.

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