The Outcasts

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You have been wandering around the small place for a while, you didn't have any money on you see you couldn't get anything. There a gem that you really liked but it was way too exspencive for you even if you had money, there were different shops all around. Some were jewlry shops others were places to buy food, there was even a pet shop that had any animal you could think of!

You had seen some shops that didn't look too friendly so you left them alone, you reamed after some time that you should start heading back to Berry. You had remembered which shops you passed so it was easy to get back on the path you took to look around. You heard hissing down an ally way that was way too dark for your liking so you kept walking, it seemed like you were the only one hearing it though...

Little ways away from the small shop place is a dark area with people walking around with either black or dark grey cloaks. One figure had a fox tail swaying back and forth behind them, they look around and go into a dark entrence. They take off the black hood and a pair of fox ear spring up, their hair was a redish orange color that matched their ears.

They walk down a dark hallway and into a dim lit room, in the room there was three figures and they each have some animal dna mixed into them. A snake guy slithered over to the fox with a smile, a spider person waves to them and the fox waves back. The last person was sitting on a couch and had rat ears and a rat tail, they were looking at a map that was layed out on a coffee table infront of the couch.

???: How busy was the shop area?

The rat person looked up and asked the fox as they hanged up their cloak next to three other ones that had names stiched on the inside. Creek that was stiched in green thread, Midnight that was stiched in purple threath, Heath that was stiched in yellow thread and when the fox hanged up their cloak it had Bandit stiched in orange thread on the inside.

Bandit: At least 30-35 people but there was a new one there, how was it here Creek?

Bandit sat down next to Creek and looked at the map with them, the map had purple, green, yellow and orange marks all over it.

Creek: Nothing new, the next attack should be in about 45 minutes.

Bandit nodded and the snake guy slithered over, his scales had different shades of yellow, orange and some reds mixed in too. His eyes were a soft brownish orange color and his skin had an orange-ish tint to it, his hair was light brown with blonde streaks in it. Bandit looked up and sighed when they saw that the snake guy had a slightly deep cut on their arm.

Bandit: Come here Heath, how'd you even get this?

Bandit grabbed some bandages off the coffee table and started to wrap the cut while waiting for Heath to tell them what happened.

Creek: That idoit went out and got in a fight with someone and got sliced by a knife that the guy he was fighting had.

Bandit sighs and had a slightly angry face, he finished wraping up Heath and waved him off to go somewhere else.

Bandit: Did you deal with them or do you know what they look like?

Creek: Midnight delt with it when Heath got back and told us what happened, long story short we have to get stuff to get blood out of clothes.

Bandit nods and stands up, they pass Midnight and nod to them as a thank you for taking care of the person. Midnight nodded back with a smile, Bandit walks out of the dim lit room and into another room that had a sign that said 'Bandit's Room'. Bandit sighs and flops onto an orange bed that had white pillows, the room was also dimly lit and you could see a wall filled with pituces of all four of them...

You had gotten back to Berry and Stardust, you both were walking around a different area of the small town. You couldn't shake off the feeling of being watched though so you had to keep saying to Berry that you were ok whenever she asked. You had ended up back at the shop area and Stardust had bought you guys food, after you guys finished your food you walked around the shop area.

Then smoke bombs started to fill in and smoke clouded your vision so all you could do is make sure that you were near Berry or Stardust. The smoke was yellow, purple, green and orange, you heard the same hissing sounds as you looked around blindly. You were suddenly grabbed and dragged away, you knew it wasn't Berry because they made sure they were gentle when they dragged.

It was obviously not Stardust because the hand was too small to be Stardust's, the hand was slightly furry and you kept feeling a fluffy tail hit your leg. You yelled out for Berry and Stardust and you heard them yell back, the smoke cleared slightly and you saw Berry's freaked out face while seaching for you. She saw you being dragged away at the last minute and chased after you with her arm streched out trying to grab your hand.

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