Option B

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I sigh and fall asleep with a stressed feeling, when I opened my eyes I saw you standing infront of me with your back turned to me. I let of a sigh of relife and tried to walk towards you but I couldn't move my feet, I look down confused. Vines were wrapped around my feet and legs, I gasped and tried to get them off me but they started to wrap around my hands.

I tried again to get the vines off but they just kept growing on me, soon my legs and half my torso was covered in vines. I looked up and to where you were only to see you with that rat person, my eyes widened in horror as I tried to call out but no sound came out. You start to walk away with them as I stand there helplessly trying to get you to come back to me.

I then suddenly walk up with a jolt, I look around with breathing slightly heavily, it was just a bad dream. I groaned tiredly and fall backwards back onto my makeshift bed, I've been having dreams like that ever since you left. I got out of bed and snapped my fingers, my outfit changed into a long sleeve shirt with no shoulder and jean shorts with black legs that had holes in them.

I fix up my hair and put on my dark blue combat boots, I walk over to where Stardust was to see them already up and ready to go. They were wearing a galaxy themed jacket with a black crop top under it and midnight blue leggings with little silver stars on them. They had their black knee high boots on with their hair in a messy bun, they turn around and smile softly when they saw me.

Stardust: I was just about to wake you up, come on the other should be ready to go.

I nod and follow them outside to where everyone was, we told everyone the plan and made sure everyone was ready to go. Once everything was ready we made our way there, everyone put on a black or dark grey cloak and went in. I went to the hole in the wall and walk in as quietly as I could, Stardust stood outside while the other people kept a look out.

I passed four rooms before I hid in the corner with the shadows, my black cloak hid me well but if you looked close enough you could still see me. There was dim light coming from the room but no voices were heard, I grabbed my walkie-talkie to know where the people were.

Berry: Have any eyes on anyone?

Stardust: I see the spider person but no one else.

Random Person #1: Not yet.

Random Person #2: Nope.

Stardust: Oh wait, the rat person just joined the spider.

Random Person #1: I've got eyes on the fox.

Berry: Ok then that leaves only one, the snake.

I turn off the walkie-talkie and listen for any noises, I hear nothing so I slowly and quietly get up and look in the room. I see you on a chair in the corner with no one around, I sigh with relife and relax slightly at the sight of you ok. I walk over to you and gently shake you awake, you groan softly and blink your eyes a few times before rubbing your eyes tiredly.

You: Berry?

Berry: Yeah its me, now come on.

I grab your hand and lift you out of the chair, you look me over before grabbing my face and looking me over some more. I laugh slightly and grab your shoulders, you breath out a sigh of relife and rest your hands on my arms.

You: I thought I was dreaming or something

I laugh slightly again and then I start to look you over too, you didn't seem to be hurt in any way so that was good. I close my eyes and rest my forehead on yours, I'm so glad that your safe and sound, I hugged you tightly and you hug me back.

Blaze: Hey the others are out so we can tal-

I turn my head towards the voice quickly, I forgot about the f^cking snake, god damnit how did I forget about the snake. They pulled out a weird phone looking thing and started to sream into it like their life depended on it.


I knock the snake out with a hard punch and they fall to the ground with a thud, I panted slightly and grabbed your hand . I ran out of the hole in the wall with Stardust close behind me, the other people we brought saw us and quickly joined us. We kept running untill with made it back to the market place, all of us were panting heavily and sweating hard.

I let go of your hand and looked around, I counted everyone to make sure we didn't leave anyone there. Everybody was there and acounted for so that was good, nobody seemed hurt so that was good too. I look over to you to see you staring off into the distance, it seemed like you were staring at where we just were.

I walk over and side hug you while looking in the distance with you, it started to "rain" softly as we stood there looking out into the blank white area. You leaned your head on my shoulder and I leaned my head onto your head, I can't let anyone take you from me again.

Meanwhile in a place not too far from the market area a glitch mimics the voices of people to try to capture unsuspecting prey...

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