Option A

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Berry desided that she couldn't wait for you any longer so she got up and headed straight for your location. Once she got there she walked straight in with no cloak or anything which was kinda like an unspoken rule to wear a cloak to hind your identity. She bumped into someone and they didn't like that too much so they started cursing a her which Berry didn't like either.

She gave them a glare before punching them in the face so hard that the sound of a bone breaking was heard clearly for anyone near the two. The person stumbled back before falling sideways onto the floor with blood slowly pooling out of their head. Berry looked at her fist that had a few droplets of blood on it and then looking down at the person on the floor before she continued to walk forward.

Random Person: Hey! Who the f^ck do you think you are?! You can't walk in here and literally kill someone!

Berry stopped and slowly turned around to look at the person yelling at her, they kept yelling untill they relised that Berry had started getting closer to them.

Berry: I belive I. Just. Did.

Berry looked at them dead in the eye as the courage the person had slowly left their body, Berry looked around before backing up a bit and stretching her arms out.

Berry: If anyone else has something to say then come up here and say it to my face!

Berry yelled out to everyone there as a creepy grin danced onto her face, she looked around a few times to see if anyone wanted to say something.

Berry: Alrighty then.

She put her arms down and started walking forward again, everyone was silent in fear of saying anything would make her mad. But saddly there always that one person that doesn't read their suroundings and does something stupid. Someone threw a knife and it bearly missing Berry's head, Berry stopped and sighed disapointedly.

Berry: I thought that I made myself clear but I guess I was wrong so whoever threw the knife better step up or no one is gonna leave this place alive.

No one said anything and no one moved, Berry sighed again and pulled out what looked to be a necklace. She put in around her neck and started saying something in that weird langauge, her eyes slarted to glow and her hair started floating up around her.

Berry: edalb a sa prahs sa niar eht rof llac I

Suddenly knives started raining down around everone, no one had time to scream or even move before they were knocked to the grounded. Most of the people looked dead or they were badly injured but jus as fast as the knivee came they disapeared into thin air. Berry took a deep breath and took the necklace off, she turned on her heel and walked into the hole in the wall.

She made sure that the animal people were sleeping before walking into the dimly lit open area t see you fast asleep on a chair. She walked up to you and shook you awake, you opened your eyes wide before looking around, when you saw Berry infront of you, you gasped slightly. Berry put a finger to her mouth to signal you to stay quiet, she grabbed your hand and lead you outside.

When you got outside and looked infront of you, you could only stare in utter horror, shock and fear. Berry kept holding your hand while she walked over or around bodies, some looked dead and some still looked like they were in too much pain to get up. Tear pricked you eyes when you saw the blood on Berry's hands, you tried pulling your hand away but Berry seemed to have a strong grip on your hand.

Berry: Why are you trying to leave my love~

You: Y-You killed them d-didn't you.

Berry: They were stopping me from getting to you love, I couldn't just let them get away with that.

You felt tears falling down your face, this was almost exactly like the dream you had, you didn't want that. Berry's eyed you conserned and wiped the falling tears, she pulled you into a hug, you wanted to pull away but you didn't have the strength to. So you just cried into Berry as she held you and whispered sweet nothings to you to try and calm you down.

Berry: Are you feeling better my love

She asked when you had stopped crying, you nodded your head and slightly pulled away to look at Berry's face. It showed love, consern and kindness but only for you, it was still your Berry but just deadlier then before.

Berry: If I may ask my love but why were you crying?

You: You scared me because you killed all thoose people s promise not to hurt anyone alright.

Berry nodded and kissed your forehead lightly, she put both hands on your cheeks and rubbed her thumb gently across your cheek.

Berry: I promise love, now let's get out of here and get you out of here.

You: Actually I would like to stay here with you.

Berry looked at you suprised, she giggled happily, hugged you and spun you around, she set you down and grabbed your hand again. You and her walked away from the bloody masacar with a happy mood, Berry was excited that you wanted to stay.

She was gonna make sure you stayed with her forever...

                                                              BAD ENDING?

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