The Truth

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You were dragged around different fandoms, Wattpad stories and even had to outrun crazy fangirls/fanboys because Berry said something rude to them. You both were hiding in a Wattpad story, of course no one saw you guys, the story wasn't finished but it was a good story so far.

Berry: Ok I think there gone.

Berry peeked out from a page of the story, none of the fangirls/fanboys were neer and they seemed to be bothing a poor author about something. You wanted to help them but you were quickly dragged away by Berry, her face had a blank expression but she looked like she was about to cry.

You: Hey you ok?

Berry qiuckly wiped her eyes and smiled at you, she nodded but you weren't covinced just yet, you desided to ask later. Berry would always snap the paper and pencil when you said something about liking a fandom/person's profile page you went through. You asked what she was doing but she changed the subject quickly by going into another "short cut".

Berry: Hey I wanna show you someone you might like!

You were dragged into a profile page, it seemed like a nice place and it seemed like it was a friendly place to talk. Berry waved at a person and they waved back, they looked nice and seemed to owned by the owner of this profile page.

Berry: Bon Bon! How've you been? Read any good books lately?

Bon Bon: I've been better and I don't know but have you seen CeCe any where?

Berry laughed slightly at this and shook her head, you stood there just as confused as ever. Bon Bon had bunny ears, wings and a tail, there was goggles on their head and they were kinda animated. Bon Bon noticed you and frowned slightly, they looked at Berry, smiled saddly and patted her shoulder.

Berry: This is another poor soul that I'm helping get back into the real world.

Berry patted your shoulder with a wide slightly fake smile on, you looked at Berry with a confused and sad expression.

Berry: I've got to get going but it was nice talking to you Bon Bon, bye!

Berry syarted to drag you away again while waving goodbye to Bon Bon, you waved goodbye to Bon Blind with a smile just like you did with all the other people you met.

Bon Bon: Stay safe out there! I've heard that some virus got out and is roaming around!

They yelled to you guys but I'm sure Berry wasn't listening because she had stopped and pulled out the paper and pencil again to write something down. You walked pass her and started to wander away from her to the point where you couldn't really see her.

You: Berry?!

You kept calling out for them but didn't get no responce untill you heard someone screaming from far away.

Berry: Kid! Where are you?! Come on this isn't funny!

You ran to the sound of her voice but it wasn't them, it was a weird glitching ball of something, it was repeating different peoples voices. It noticed you and screeched at you before running after you at incredible speed, you were about to be caught when someone pulled you into somewhere. The thing kept running untill it relised that you got away, it growled and walked off while replaying peoples voices.

Berry: God damit kid, you scared me when you weren't beside me when I looked up, you good? Not hurt right? Did the glitch touch you? How you feeling?

She threw multipul questions at you while cupping your cheeks and looking you up and down for any sign of you being hurt. The way they cupped your cheeks was almost motherly like a mom worried for their childs safety.

You: I'm fine Berry, I'm not hurt, the thing didn't touch me and I feel pefectly fine.

You answered all her questions and she sigh with relife and let go of your cheeks, letting her arms fall to her side. You smiled softly at how worried Berry was for your safety, it was like they adopted you as soon as they found you and now they must protect you.

Berry: Let's go, were so close to geting you home kid and then you can go back to living a normal life.

Her tone somehow always sounded sad when she was talking about getting you home or talkng about real life. You had a few puzzle peices to the story but you just didn't know where they went and how they fit together. You ended up being dragged to somewhere again, you didn't really mind though because you had gotten use to Berry dragging you around now. You felt something drop on you and soon it was raining 1s and 0s everywhere, Berry didn't seem fased by this and kept walking.

Berry: You can't catch a cold or any sickness in here and the "rain" is harmless to us.

Berry explained to you as you saw other people walking around in the "rain" and some even dancing with people. You stared in aw of everyone that stopped and danced with the person next to them, Berry just happened to notiice this and stop to dance with you. She turned to face you as looked at her confused, she bowed slightly and stuck her hand out.

Berry: May I have this dance...please?

You laughed softly at this but took her hand anyway, you nodded and you were suddenly dancing the "rain" with a stranger that you've only known for at least a few hours. You both laughed and danced for a while untill the "rain" started to stop, you sighed and silently wished it lasted longer.

Berry: Come on kid, your almost home.

You: What about you?

Berry stopped infront of you with a blank expression, she sighed and put her hands on your shoulders. She looked you dead in the eye with a sad look, you stared back at her with a sad and confused look.

Berry: Listen kid...I can't...come with you

You: W-what?! Why?!

Berry: I can't leave kid, I've been here too long to even remember what the real world looks like...but when people like you get telleported into here, I get to talk to someone from the outside...I took you through all those "short cuts" to show you new things.

Berry explained everything to you and took out the peice of paper she had been writing on and keeping from you.

Berry: I've been writing down every person, place and fandom that you said that you either liked or thought it was cool or nice. I was planning on giving it to you when you left so when you were back in real life you can check them out.

You felt tears in your eyes from everything she was saying and you could see that she was about to cry too. She sighs and hands you the peice of paper, you looked at it and there was every name or fandom you said you liked.

Berry: I do it with everybody that telleports in here, I show them new things and send them on their way.

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