So This Is Love?

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You woke you as early as you could and kept searching while Stardust was just starting to wake up. They blinked a few times before getting up and snapping their fingers and the hut disapeared. They yawned and streched out before help you look for Berry, you had more energy then them right now so you were covering more ground then them.

Stardust looked off into the distance and saw something trying to move, they gasped when they relised who it was and ran towards them. You saw them run off so you followed and there you saw them lifting up Berry who had a pain filled look. When she saw you she smiled softly and slowly lifted her arm a waved slightly.

Berry: Hey kid

Her voice was scratchy and faded but that was probally because of her pain, you bursted into tears and gently hugged her. Stardust lifted you up with Berry and carried you two away from that area so they could find a place to help Berry with her pain. You and Berry both fell asleep, you softly laying on her shoulder with her arm limply around you, you both could finally sleep peacefully knowing that your together once again.

You woke up to feel Berry not beside you and you weren't in Stardust's hand anymore, you sat up and looked around. You let out a sigh of relife when you saw that Berry was on a bed nex to you, for a second you thought that finding Berry was a dream. You sat up and walked out of the tent like thing you were in, you stepped out to see a world of colors and all sorts of people and creatures.

It was like that place with all the reds and black but really colorfull, you had an awstruck expression while you looked around everywhere.

???: You must be (N/n), you were brought here with another girl.

You turned around and looked down to see an elf looking person that was about four feet tall, they had a greenish tint to their pale skin. Their eyes were a hazy grey and they had curly brown hair, they had a mask covering their face so you couldn't see their nose or mouth. They were wearing some form of robe that hid most of their legs, their whole torso and their arms. They stuck out their hand and you saw that the inside of the robe was a dark green color.

Evergreen: I'm Evergreen, I help people like your friend

You shook their hand and they led you back to the tent like thing Berry was in, when you walked in you saw Berry sitting up and looking beter. She didn't have a pain filled expression anymore which was nice, she looked up and saw you, she smiled wide and tried to stand but fell back onto the bed. You and Evergreen walk over to her, you walked slightly faster though, Evergreen touches Berry's legs and her eyes glow slightly green.

Evergreen: Your legs haven't fully "healed" yet so you'll have to have something to help you walk

Evergreen explained and then walked out, leaving you two by yourself, alone together, you and Berry, alone with eachother. You smile softly at Berry and she smiles wide back, you look around and find a thick stick propped up agenst the side of the tent. You grab it and hand it over to Berry, she grabs it and stood up slowly, she wobbled a bit but she didn't fall over this time.

Berry: Thanks kid.

You: No problem!

You helped her walk out and around the area, you wanted to bring up the whole checkpoint to the gateway thing but she just got back so you desided to wait a bit. She looked around in aw just like you as ou both pointed at things and looked around the amazing place. You noticed a familar misty purple hair mini gaint in the crowd so you helped Berry over to there so you could thank them.

They saw you in the crowd when you waved up at them, they waved back and started walking towards you too. By now Berry had seen them too and was trying to move faster to get to them qiucker, you laughed at her failed atempt to run over but helped her walk faster. When yo finally got to eachother, they picked you both up and gently hugged you two, you both hugged back and they set you down.

You: I wanted to thank you for helping me find Berry and for helping her.

Stardust: Don't sweat it, Berry and I are besties and as besties were suppose to help them out!

You: Oh um I forgot to ask you your name, what is it?

Stardust: I'm Stardust but my friends call my Star or Dust.

You thanked them again for the help and waved goodbye, you left Berry with them to go look at some of the shops you passed by. While you were window shopping, Berry was getting hend and teased by Stardust because she kept you around longer then the other ones.

Stardust: *Gasp* you like them don't you

Berry: I-I wha- no pfttt as if...

Berry was blushing bright red while Stardut had a smug look on their face, Berry kept stuttering and trying to tell Stardust that they were wrong. Both of them knew that Stardust wasn't wrong but Berry wasn't going to say it that easly, she didn't even know she had a crush on you untill now. It would make sence on why when she saw you the first time that see didn't want to say goodbye so soon.

She groaned after at least 15 minutes of her trying to explain that she doesn't like you, she flopped back onto Stardust's hands and sighed.

Berry: Fiiiiiiiiiine...I guess I do...

Berry put her arms over her face to try and hide her growing blush, Stardust did a happy dance because they knew they were right. Berry uncovered her face and smiled, she was thinking of you and the look you had in your eyes when you saw the picture she had made for you.

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