The Calm Before The Storm

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Berry laughed slightly and shook her head with a small fake smile and her eyes closed, she let go of you and turned around.

Berry: Sorry kid, didn't mean to lay that all on you so just forget I said any of that ok.

You couldn't belive it,she brushed it off like it was some joke that you could laugh about later, you put the peice of paper in your pocket and jog up to them to catch up. You both stay silent and don't say a word as you walk to where ever your going, every now and then you would sneak a glance at Berry. Her face was calm but had some sadness to it too, Berry looked around before going wide eyed and running to a sign.

You rushed after her with a confused expression, by the time you got there Berry had lit the sign of fire and was smiling at her work.

You: Why did you just burn that sign!?

You were trying to put out the fire but the sign was already too damaged so you couldn't tell what it was. Berry clapped her hands together once and smiled.

Berry: Hopefully those sinnfull people don't figure out a way to post that weird horrible horny sh¡t, now let's go.

Berry grabbed your hand and dragged you away from the burnt sign, while you walked your mind went back to what she had said. It now made sence on why those people were sad when Berry brought up taking you back to the real world.

Berry: Hey kid! Look!

She pointed to a sight that was a drawing game, she ran over to it and dragged you along with. She looked like she had stars in her eyes, she snapped her fingers and a blindfold popped up in her hand. She turned to you and put it on you.

Berry: I want to suprise you so you need to wear that untill I say to take it off.

You nodded and turned around so you weren't facing her, you heard multipul clicks, swipes, sound effects and curses from Berry because she probally messed up. You heard her squeel slightly and turned you around while you took off the blindfold, you stared at the drawing with wide eyes.

It was a drawing of you and Berry, you both were posed as if you were taking a picture together, you had a big smile and your eyes closed. While Berry had a smaller smile and her eyes were focused on you for some reason, the whole thing was very detailed and it almost looked like it was a real photo.

Berry: D-do you like it?

You: I love it!

You jumped up and down and quickly hugged her while laughing but what you both didn't know was that you both were slightly blushing. You let her go and she saved the drawing in an album of hers, you both looked through multipul drawing sights and you both had a drawing contest. Berry won even though she said she was going easy, she laughed when you playfull pouted and complained that she cheated.

You talked and wandered around for a while untill it started "raining" but this time it wasn't the type where you could bearly feel. It was hard and it only took a few seconds before you both were running around trying to find a place to wait out the storm. Somehow it started to get really windy and you both could bearly step off the ground without tipping backwards.

Berry had an arm around your waist so if the wind got too strong that you both wouldn't get seperated. You both were crying slightly because the "rain" and it didn't help that the wind was making the "raindrops" fall faster. Then Berry saw something next to you two, it wasn't big enough for both of you but you could fit perfectly.

Berry: Listen kid! I know you might hate me for doing this but I'm sorry!

You could bearly hear her over the howling wind, you didn't even notice that you were right next to the little shelter. Before you could say anything, she pushed you into it with as much strenth she could muster, you bearly made it because of the wind but you were more worried about Berry.

She smiled saddly at you and before you knew it you saw her get swept away by the wind and launched off to who knows where. You sat in the little shelter area with a horrified look as you stared at the spot where Berry just was.

One minute you were drawing and having fun and the next you were sitting in a small area with a huge storm outside while thinking about what could be happening to Berry.

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