Knowing Your Kidnappers

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You woke up in a cold sweat from the horrorfing nightmare you just had, you looked around franticly with a hand on your chest trying to calm our racing heart. You let out a sigh of relife when you saw that nothing was wrong, you didn't have a broken jaw, there was no blood anywhere and sadddly you were still in the cave. Bandit walks in and sees you slightly breathing heavy and sweating hard too.

Bandit: You good?

You wipped your head to their direction, suprised by hearing their voice so suddenly, you nodded slightly and let out another sigh. Bandit looked you up and down, not beliving you in the slightest, Blaze slithered in and said good morning to Bandit. They smiled at the young one and nodded a good morning back to him, you had calmed down more and were breathing normaly now.

Blaze: Hey, pssst, want me to give you a tour?

He was whispering to you but Bandit could hear him clearly, they rolled their eyes and sighed.

Bandit: You can't give the prisoner a tour of our home Blaze

Blaze: Whaaaaaaaaaat, I never said that

Blaze looked around franticly while sweating slightly, him had such a heart of gold and it made you would why he was even with these people in the first place. Creek walked in shortly after, he glared at you slightly before smiling softly at Blaze who gave a big smile and a good morning back.

You: Hey um Blaze was it?

Blaze quickly spun around towards you and nodded franticly, the other two didn't seem to notice yet which was good for you.

You: How'd you all end up here?

Blaze: Well were all kinda...outcasts, were known as bad or scary animals so were not really able to walk out somewhere freely without getting noticed and scarred off by someone, its either that or getting banned, but at least we've got eachother!

Blaze's mood changed from being all happy to sad and back to happy again, he was so adorable and sweet. You want to protect him forever and kill anyone who hurts him in any way, it seemed like he was the youngest out of all four of them too. You smile at him but when you looked over to the side you saw both Bandit and Creek giving you death glares.

They seemed to really care for Blaze, I mean you couldn't blame them for wanting to protect him from anyone else who might try to hurt him like in the past. Creek walked up to Blaze and patted his shoulder, Blaze looked at him and slithered backwards with a nervous expression. Creek's gaze fell on you and it was again a death glare but since he was closer, you knew you could hurt you if he wanted to.

Creek: Listen...I...don' if you talk to Blaze but if yo do hurt him in ANY way, I will kill you and where your bones as a necklece...

His voice was low and dark, you felt yourself shrink backward a lot, trying to put more distence between you and the phycotic rat man. You nodded your head fast, showing that you understood what he said, he backed up and went back to whatever he was doing. You let out a breath you didn't know you were holding in and slouched down in the seat you were sitting on.

Bandit: didn't have to go that hard on them Creek.

Creek: And that's coming from the person that almost ripped someones head off in an online game (that you got banned from) because they said a lame insult.

Bandit's face turned as red as rubies when Creek said that, Bandit groaned and walked away with their head down from embearsment. You laughted slightly and smiled, soon Midnight walked in with a smile on her face, she looked like she was about to burst out laughing.

Midight: Did I just see Bandit walk by blushing 50 shades of red?

Creek nodded without looking up from the map he was looking at, Midnight started laughing hard. Her laughter died down as she calmed down, she looked over to you and walked over with a small smile. She crouched down to your eye level because you were sitting.

Midnight: Hey I'm Midnight, the adorable snake is Blaze, the scary rat man is Creek and the blushing fox was Bandit if you didn't already know our names.

She pointed to everyone as she introduced them, she sounded like that fun aunt that will let you do basicly anything. Creek sounded like the leader, Bandit sounded like the chill cousin that would protect their family and Blaze sounded like the protected small bean that was too inocent. You were starting to kinda like it here, you still wanted to see Berry again but mabye your time here won't be as bad as you thought.

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