Just A Dream...Right?

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You were dragged into this dark area and through a dark hall to a dimly lit room where three people stood. When you finally calmed your beating heart and looked around you noticed that the place looked like a cave. One person slithered over to you and the person that was still holding your hand, the person that slithered over had scales that reminded you of fire.

Heath:Hi! I'm Heath.

Heath stuck out his hand and you slowly took and gave it a small shake, you heard a sigh and a rat person walked over and pushed Heath away from you. Creek glared at you before looking over to Heath who was looking down at the floor while rubbing his arm.

Creek:Their not here to be our friends Heath, their here as bait.

Heath nodded slightly and slithered away to what you think is his room, a spider person follows Heath into his room. You don't know why but before you can think you were pulled sideways and forced down to sit on a chair. You weren't tied to it, you were just sitting there with Bandit standing next to you with their arms crossed infront of their chest.

You:So who am I bait for exactly?

Bandit:Your bait for Berry, I'm Bandit by the way.

You nod and look around the room more, there wasn't really anything in the room besides a couch, coffee table, a place to hang stuff and a cork board on the wall with maps and some pictures on it. Your chair was in a corner so you knew there was nothing behind you, sooner or later Bandit left to go to bed after you fell asleep.

Saddly you didn't sleep long because you were softly shaken awake by someone, you look around bearly awake. All you see for a few seconds was bury blobs but when you wake up more you see Berry trying to get you to wake up and walk.


Berry:Hey kid, I'm taking you home don't worry.

She spoke in a whisper so you just nodded because you didn't want to wake anyone up, she smiles softly at you and you smile back. You make it out but what you see is something from a nightmare, everywhere you looked there were people on the ground that looked to be in pain. Even though you were told that you can't die in here you still saw people's dead bodies everywhere, along with their blood.

You:Wh-what happened out here Berry?

Berry just kept walking, she walked over multipul dead bodies and even people that were still alive. She had a firm grip on your hand so you were being dragged over everything she was walking on. When you asked again she just stopped and laughed, she laughter filled the area, she sounded crazy but when she turned around and you could finally see her in some light.

She had blood on her hands...

She had blood splatered on her face...

But what made you sure that she wasn't your Berry was the crazy look in her eyes that matched her even crazier smile.

Berry:They got in my way...they got in OUR way...they tried to stop me from getting to you so I stopped them from moving...

She started to laugh like a mad man again, you tried to pull away but when you tried to she stopped laughing.

Berry:Why are you trying to leave...don't you love me?

She moved closer and held your face in one of her bloody hands, you felt tears pouring down your face as she squeazed harder. She squeazed untill you both heard a crack and pop, she broke your bottom jaw so you couldn't talk. She closed her eyes and smiled, she let go and turned back around to keep walking to who knows where. 

Berry:Now you can't say no to me anymore, you won't have to talk at all! I'll say everything for you ok!

You couldn't scream or even make a sound because of the pain you felt in your jaw, you just walked with this phycopath in fear she might hurt you more...

This was not your Berry...

You wanted the sweet, caring, loveable Berry...

Not this phyco that just murdered almost everyone around you just to get to you...

You wanted your Berry back...

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