30: 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍

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The couple continued running away from the small Cameron family, their shouts soon fading out. John B placed a hand on his girlfriend's back, pushing her in front of him so she'd be in front as they ran through the forest, hitting the many branches away that got into their faces while they sprinted. Just as they exit the forest, Y/n had stopped just in time when she saw a car beginning go pass by.

However, John B, not so much. The boy had continued running, only to roll over the hood of the car and land on the other side. As the man began to ask if John B was okay, Y/n rushes to the other side of his vehicle, not bothering to look at the blood print her boyfriend made on the window as she helps the brunette up to his feet.

Ignoring the slight pain after the impact, John B begins running again, pulling his girlfriend with him as the man called out to them but was ignored by the young couple. John B, once again, pushing his girlfriend in front of her as they continue running. Eventually, they find themselves running into town where they knew there friends would be at.

After a couple minutes, the two turned their run into a walking pace, soon finding themselves turning the corner to a garage-like place, seeing the three people of their group all standing there. They all look at the couple, rushing over and asking many, many questions to which they don't even answer.

A concerned look flashes onto JJ's face when he sees blood on his little sister's hands, grabbing one of her hands and asking whose blood it was but she doesn't respond. Just then, the sound of a siren and seeing a police car behind them quickly makes the five duck behind the sofa, the three glancing at the young, silent couple.


As the sun had set and the moon was up, the five Pogues found themselves in a vehicle together, parking right in front of the police station. The couple had explained what happened. Rafe shooting Peterkin, and how she told them to run which they did, leaving her to die in the hands of Ward.

The group was outside of the station because John B claimed he wanted to tell the cops about the sudden death of their sheriff. However, when they were parked, the brunette didn't leave his spot in the driver's seat. Both the young couple still had Peterkin's blood on their hands, a bit on their shirts.

JJ rests his hand on John B's shoulder. "Alright. I'm just gonna be real with you right now. You might end up in the lion's den, but you don't go there on purpose. It's fundamental. Just my our old man always told me and Y/n, you should never ever trust cops, no matter what the circumstance is."

"Your guys old man's an abusive liar." Kie fires back.

"I agree with JJ. Fuck the police." Pope agrees.

"You going to the dark side now?" Kie asks, voice laced with disbelief.

"When's the last time the police ever helped us?" Pope argues.

"Peterkin looked out for me, alright? Tried to, at least." John B snaps.

Y/n squeezes her boyfriend's hand. "They need to know."

John B squeezes his girlfriend's hand back before he exits the vehicle, heading inside the station. The other four only wait for about a minute until the boy is sprinting back out, shouting for any of them to start the car. As he gets inside the vehicle, Kie turns the engine on, pressing on the gas while they all shout to him, an officer right beside the car.

"What did you do?" Kie shouts.

"Open it." Pope demands.

John B does as told, opening his side off the door. The officer that was holding on tumbles to the ground at the impact, letting out a groan as John B quickly shuts the door closed while Kie drives off.


The following day, the teenagers were still in the same vehicle as their seats were lowered, hiding their faces from the windows to anyone that passed by. The radio was on, a man explaining about the power going to be back on just as sirens fill the teenagers eardrums. JJ sits up just enough to look out the window, watching as a police car speeds right by them.

Upon hearing the radio go to Peterkin's death, Y/n quickly turns the radio off as she held her boyfriend's hand in hers, their fingers intertwined together. The pad of her thumb gently caressed the back of his hand as the girl sat in-between her boyfriend and her brother, Kie and Pope behind the three.

Officers all around the island had been going around in the cut and Figure Eight, placing posters of John B up, accusing him of the death of Peterkin. The teenagers didn't have a clue about that. Neither of the officers seemed to blame the Maybank girl as Ward only seemed to be out for John B only.

"Let's game this out. Maybe you guys can help, being the smart ones and all, but... who are the cops going to believe? Ward Cameron or us? So the accuser is a bigshot developer, kind of lord of the island, got the governor on speed dial kind of person, and the accused... is John B, who is... pretty much a homeless sixteen year old boy at the moment." JJ rambles.

"Thanks." John B replies, sarcasm laced in his tone.

"Okay, man. Yucatan, alright? I'm saying that's the only option. What other option do you have?" JJ questions.

John B sighs. "Enough with the Mexico bullshit."

"Sarah's gonna bail him out." Y/n assures, squeezing her boyfriend's hand.

"She did witness the whole thing." Kie agrees.

"And she's gonna snitch on her brother?" Pope asks.

JJ shakes his head. "Not happening, bro. Okay? We've gotta get you off the island."

"The ferry." Pope suggests. "It's the only way."

JJ nods. "Yeah, exit stage left while you still can. Before the entire island is on lockdown."

"Sarah's not a Pogue, Y/n." Pope reminds.

"Yeah. John B, you can't stay here, man." JJ tells him.

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