10: 𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚜𝚎𝚍 𝚋𝚢 𝚌𝚘𝚙𝚜

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The sound of the clock ticking was loud in the silent room of where Dr. Nygard seemed to be staying at, the occasional sound of the monitor adding to it. The birds chirping outside were loud as the chatters of the civilians in Nassau was muffled from the closed doors and windows.

The sun was occasionally shining through the glass of the windows as the clouds covered it a few time. John B was hesitant to leave his girlfriend's side in case she woke up and was scared and could possibly not remember where she was. But once Dr. Nygard claimed she needed rest and that the boy she do the same, at least to sit down a bit, he had walked into the other room with the man, closing the doors behind him.

It wasn't long until Y/n's e/c eyes were slowly opening up, feeling the sweat on her body and face and feeling the pain from the wound coursing through her body. The sound of the doctor and John B's muffled voices in the other room filled her ears as a slight grunt escaped her, sitting up with a bit of trouble, the sheet that was used for a blanket sliding down to her waist.

After being able to finally get up and stand on her feet without stumbling, she grabbed one of the bag with the liquid that was attached to the pole, too scared to take the needle out of her arm and also because she had lost a lot of blood. The males talking had stopped when the door opened, the girl stumbling a bit and John B was quick to stop in front of her in case she would fall.

"How long did I sleep?" Y/n questions in a croaky tone, ignoring Dr. Nygard's instructions of her going to lay down.

"Not long enough." John B replies.

Y/n gulps. "Can we still make it?"

John B shakes his head. "No. It's over. Okay?"

"No, it's not." Y/n protests, eyes glancing at the clock. "We still have an hour."

"Y/n..." John B begins, softly placing his hands on her arms. "...you need to rest. You just got shot."

"I'm fine. We're going." Y/n declares in a determined tone, even if she didn't sound fine.

Hesitantly nodding in agreement, seeing that she was being stubborn just like she always was, which is what made her and JJ so similar, the couple were soon getting ready to leave, John B grabbing his backpack. Y/n had gotten the needle out of her arm, slightly clutching her wound a bit as they made their way downstairs with Dr. Nygard.

As they got to the entrance they had came through, John B peaked over the wall to see a police car parked on the side of the road across from them, an officer speaking to two civilians as the men explained they had been taking pictures and it was no doubt that the couple had been caught by those civilians.

Both teenagers could only guess that after Terrance and Cleo had left them, Ward and Rafe Cameron had gone to the police, making up some lie. Y/n could only guess it was similar to the one back when they were in OBX, John B had kidnapped her and had murdered Sheriff Peterkin. Dr. Nygard was quick to notice the look on their faces and the quiet curses they were whispering.

Dr. Nygard raises a brow. "You guys got a little heat on you, don't you? I've been there, and I've done that. But I got an idea."

Both curiously looked over at the man before he was motioning for them to follow, to which they did, eventually stopping by a car. The man dug into his pocket, bringing out a pair of keys, handing them to John B, claiming that 'a friend of the devil is a friend of his'. Walking by them, still clutching her side, Y/n grabbed the keys from her boyfriend, shakily getting into the passenger's seat as John B helped her.

The brunette listened to Dr. Nygard explain how bad it'll be once the anesthesia on the girl would wear off, also making sure that it was okay he was taking the car. The couple let out a 'thank you' as John B had gotten the keys back, starting the car.

𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝖻 𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗅𝖾𝖽𝗀𝖾 Where stories live. Discover now