31: 𝙺𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚎

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The teenagers had talked and decided that they'd go with Pope's plan on getting John B out of the Outer Banks by the ferry. The group, currently, found themselves out in public as Pope had went to grab a ticket for his friend. Meanwhile, Y/n sat in the back with her brother and boyfriend, the brunette's hand in his girlfriend's hand, his thumb caressing the back of her hand.

Pope ventures to the stand to grab a ticket for the Routledge boy. However, he sighs underneath his breath when he sees a sign that said the ferry was closed at the moment. The boy only tenses when he sees a piece of paper just beneath the sign, the words 'WANTED' printed with John B's name and picture right below it.

Quickly, Pope grabs the paper while cursing under his breath, slightly speeding back to his four friends in the vehicle. John B had his seat laid back as he kept hidden from the public eye in case of any police officers being around to spot him.

"Okay, so, bad news. The ferry's closed, and there is this." Pope tells them as he hands the paper to them, getting back in the car.

"Well, John B, this is a good framer of you." JJ comments.

"Okay, so the whole island's looking for John B right now." Pope points out.

"That's a lot of money." Y/n reminds, John B hearing the panic in her tone.

"Congratulations, John B. You're now famous." JJ jokes, handing the poster to his friend.

"Guys, we got to get to the HMS. We need small, no running lights--" Kie begins.

"It's at the Chateau, Kie." John B interrupts.

"And I wonder if the cops got the entire place staked out. Let me think, Oh, yeah. No. They definitely have that place locked down." JJ informs.

Kie nods. "Yeah, copy that."

"Let me think. Just give me a second." Pope starts. "JJ. Y/n. Does your guys dad still have that boat? The cigarette boat, the Phantom. The one he used to race."

JJ shrugs. "Maybe."

"You could get right up the coast, no problem." Pope states.

"It won't be easy, Pope. I don't know where the keys are." JJ replies.

"Well, find them." Pope demands. "Why is nobody moving forward?"

"Can you relax?" Y/n pleads.

"JJ, how much weed did you give him?" Kie questions.

"The car's on the poster." John B hisses.

Pope honks the horn many times. "Can we move it, please?"

"It's that guy. Right there." A little boy speaks up as he points at their car, catching the teenagers attention. "We get twenty-five thousand dollars if we find him."

"He's right there!" A man yells out, banging his hand on the window as he stares down at John B. "I found him."

As the little boy and man began arguing about who found John B first, Kie and Y/n shouted to Pope for him to turn the car on, which he eventually does, slamming into the car in front of them. The boy ignores his friends shouts as he continues, pushing the car.

Next thing they knew, Pope was moving the car and driving on the grass, making everyone move out of the way. Eventually, they drive onto the main road where Pope hits a mailbox, letting out a loud laugh. All of a sudden, a foot slams on the break just when Pope turns to John B with a serious look.

"John B, get out." Pope orders.

JJ nods. "He's right. We'll draw the cops, you run. I'll get the rig, and I'll meet you in the dump tomorrow, okay? Three o'clock, okay?"

"I'm coming with you." Y/n declares, making everyone stare at her.

John B shakes his head, cupping her cheeks. "No, baby, you're safer with them."

"I don't care. I'm not leaving you alone." Y/n protests.

Once nodding hesitantly in agreement, Y/n gives her brother one last glance before her and her boyfriend rush out of the car and into the woods as the others drive off.


The young couple had ran around the island, the police sirens going off every few minutes as they held each other's hands. John B had made sure to help his girlfriend climb over the fences they went by. The sun had slowly been coming down, showing that they had been running for a while.

Running along the main road, John B holds his girlfriend's hand tightly in his as they sprinted down the road, soon turning on a porch and running inside an open garage. Quickly, Y/n turns off the lights while John B presses the switch, watching as the garage door slowly closed behind them.

The brunette grabs Y/n's hand, intertwining their fingers as he leads them beneath some shelves that had tools on them, both just being able to fit. The boy proceeds to wrap his arms around his girlfriend as she rests her head on his chest, both panting very heavily.

"You shouldn't have to come with me." John B whispers, breaking the comfortable silence in the garage.

Y/n nods. "I know. But I wasn't gonna leave you alone."

"Baby--" John B begins.

Y/n sits up, making him stop himself as she gently pecks his lips, slowly pulling away. John B, however, uses a hand to cup her cheeks, leaning forward and pressing his lips to hers, their lips moving together passionately. Eventually, they pull away, resting their foreheads against one another's as the boy caresses her cheek.

"We're in this together, John B. There's no way I'm letting you do this alone." Y/n admits in a whisper.

The boy could only smile at her words, leaning forward again and planting his lips onto hers once again. They stay like that for a couple minutes before a loud thump suddenly fills their eardrums, causing them to pull apart but stay close together.

The sound of a voice coming from a radio fills their ears on the other side of the garage, making their eyes widen, knowing a cop was on the other side. Rushing to stand up to their feet, John B grabs his girlfriend's hand as they rush out of the garage and further into the stranger's house. Once the door was closed, the two stomp near the kitchen of the house, only to stop when they see Kelce sitting at the island, his eyes widening when he sees them.

"John B? Y/n?" Kelce murmurs, tensing as he sits up.

John B puts his arms up. "Hey, man. Just listen to me for a second. Relax."

"Man, what are you doing here?" Kelce asks.

Once he saw them, the Kook had begun to rise to his feet, slowly backing away from the couple. More specifically, the Routledge boy.

"I know what you did." Kelce continues. "Get outta my house!"

The two boys continue speaking over one another as John B had pushed his girlfriend behind him. Y/n gripped her boyfriend's hand tightly when she saw Kelce reach over and grab a knife from the counter.

"You just invaded the homeland, bro. Both of you. I'm warning you, man. You two need to get the hell out of my house right now." Kelce demands.

Next thing the Kook knew, John B had ran down the hallway, pulling his girlfriend with him, Kelce right on their heels. However, he wasn't quick enough as the couple had ran into the laundry room, locking themselves inside.

The couple listen closely as they heard things moving around, along with a siren going off from the outside. Sharing a look after a couple seconds, John B unlocks the door and twists the handle, but it doesn't open at all, letting them know Kelce had somehow locked it from the outside.

"You're both in the house of pain now. You two hear that?" Kelce's muffled voice exclaims. "I got you, man."

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