3: 𝚜𝚕𝚘𝚠 𝚍𝚊𝚗𝚌𝚎

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After texting the Pogues and Sarah, revealing that they were actually alive than what the group had thought when the police told them, the couple figured they should get some food considering they hadn't eaten in hours. They also decided this when John B's stomach growled very loudly.

As they went down the steps of the fancy hotel, John B was awkwardly standing by the wall, awkwardly greeting the worker of the hotel like he had done before. Y/n watched as he placed the phone he used back on the stand the worker was using, showing that it was the woman's phone he had stolen for a few minutes to text the others. When he turned back to his girlfriend, he saw a tiny smirk on her face as she raised a brow at him.

John B couldn't help but roll his eyes with a smile on his face, knowing that JJ would make that exact expression if he found out his best friend stole someone's phone to text them. Pecking her cheek, the brunette grabs her hand as they jog down the stairs.

However, they stop halfway when they hear a man's voice through a microphone, looking over and seeing that there was a man testing the microphone, a small band just a bit near them, most likely to entertain the people staying at the hotel. Figuring they could check it out, they continue down the stairs, soon seeing the band more clearly and many plates of very delicious looking food on a long table just ahead of them.

Y/n was the first to speed walk to the tables, hearing her stomach growl at the sight of the fancy looking food. The boy of the two watched as she took a spoon and took a bit of a large bite of the food on the utensil, using the back of her hand to wipe the bit of access on her lips.

Noticing his brown eyes on her, a small muffled chuckle escaped her, her lips pursed together to show that the food was still in her mouth, hiding her smile behind the back of her hand. John B chuckles before grabbing a plate of food, motioning for her to follow him. They only walk just a few feet, hiding behind a wall so they wouldn't be caught as they scarfed the food on the plate down.

In the background, the music could heard being tested until an all too familiar song came on and echoed throughout the hotel. It was 'Never in My Wildest Dreams' by Dan Auerbach. The couple recognized it as the song they had danced to one time when they were younger.

There was a small dance back at their elementary school and both John B and JJ brought Y/n, deciding the three of them would go together and just spend time with each other like they always did. This was before they met Pope and Kiara. When this song came on during the dance, John B Routledge had the courage to ask Y/n Maybank to dance with her, which they had been one of the only people to slow dance to this song, considering they were kids.

Ever since then, they claimed that it was their song.

As the song echoes throughout their eardrums, both stop eating the food on the plate that laid in John B's hands, their eyes immediately making eye contact with each other. Mouth full with some food as she chewed on it, Y/n let out a hum, the memories coming back to her.

After gulping down his food, with a smile, the boy places the plate of food on the table next to them before turning back to the love of his life, gently taking her smaller hands in his as they stared one another in the eyes.

"Hey, Y/n/n." John B begins.

"Hey, JB." Y/n replies.

"Do you wanna dance?" John B asks.

Y/n shrugs with a smile. "I guess so."

Raising a brow at her response, the boy begins to pull her with him, passing the few workers around them until they were right up at the front where an archway could be seen. Pulling her closer against his body, John B placed one hand around Y/n's waist, the other grabbing her other hand while she places one hand on his shoulder as they began to slow dance like they did all those years ago.

Both held lovesick smiles on their faces like they always had whenever they were with each other, which would never go unnoticed by the Pogues as they became best friends all over the years. Resting their forehead against each others, Y/n wraps her arms around her boyfriend's shoulders as he wrapped his around her waist, their heads soon right next to each others.

As they slow danced, John B placed a kiss on her shoulder. John B couldn't help but feel tears prick his eyes as he held her close. He felt guilty. He got her into this mess. He got all of them into this mess. He wish things could've been different. He wished him and the love of his life could be back with the rest of the group, sadly going to school like they did every year, but unfortunately, that didn't happen to them.

Pulling her head back just a bit so she could look into his eyes, the girl frowns upon seeing his teary brown eyes. Reaching up, she wipes a tear that fell down his cheek before resting her forehead against his.

A smile comes onto his face before he softly leans forward, pecking her lips into a passionate kiss. Loud clapping and whistling is what made them pull away, seeing some of the workers staring at them with smiles as they clapped, finding the moment very cute and special.


The sound of crickets filled the air, the night sky out in Nassau as most civilians living there were sleeping peacefully in their own homes, not realizing what was going to happen all around. Lights could be seen around the island through the windows of some homes and buildings, showing that some people were probably still awake.

Even at the hotel, some lights were still on, most of the workers probably already at home with their families, the people staying in their own hotel rooms, snoozing in the most likely very comfortable beds, considering the hotel was very fancy.

On the roof like before, Y/n's eyes slowly fluttered open as she laid on the chair that her and John B had gotten. As her eyes cast to the chair beside her, expecting to see her boyfriend laying there, she sat up when she saw that she was alone.

Glancing around in hopes of seeing the boy standing around somewhere, her gaze soon stops on the Cameron vacation house Sarah had told her about. Her e/c eyes wide in realization, now understanding why her boyfriend wasn't here with her.

"Oh, shit." Y/n whispers, instantly standing up.

Quickly, she walks away from the chairs and ventures down the hall and down the stairs that her and John B had walked down earlier. While going near the exit, she passes a worker who was most likely the janitor since he held a mop in his hands, not thinking anything of it as she goes down the road.

Deciding to pick up her pace into a jog, the girl continues down the road, soon going onto the bridge that led near the hotel. She just hoped John B didn't make it there in time. She wasn't mad. She felt a bit saddened that he left without her, promising that they'd do everything together.

As she continues walking on the side of the bridge, the sky slowly starting to get lighter out, she doesn't realize the car driving up behind her until it parked just a bit in front of her, making her stop in her tracks. The Maybank girl catches sight of a very familiar face in the side mirror.

The same man who had helped her and John B when they were stranded in the ocean, their boat flipped over and the same man who had chased them with the police after making it into Nassau.

Next thing she knew, a hand was suddenly going right over her mouth, muffling the surprised scream that escaped her. The other hand of the unknown person went around her torso as she thrashed very roughly against their grip while they dragged her to the car.

Despite her being able to hit their arms and actually step on their foot very hard, remembering that JJ would tell her what to do when they were little incase if anything liked this happen, the person didn't let go. And soon, she was forced into the truck.

𝐀 𝐌𝐀𝐘𝐁𝐀𝐍𝐊, 𝗃𝗈𝗁𝗇 𝖻 𝗋𝗈𝗎𝗍𝗅𝖾𝖽𝗀𝖾 Where stories live. Discover now