Dream! My Friend! Villaininnit

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        Ever since exile, Tommy's felt different. Hes just never let it show. He felt like he was missing something. Sure he had betrayed Techno but that was because Dream was there, and, at the time he couldn't see how great he is. After the whole 'revival' thing he relized just how much he was like dream. Sure he wasnt as smart as before, but now? He might even be smarter than Dream. He regretted leaving exile. That changed when he helped bring Wil back. It might have looked and sounded like he meant it to be an accident, but that was all acting. Everyone here was stupid and naive. When he saw Wil, he almost felt happy. But that was short lived when he remembered he was supposed to be scared. He put on a fake face and whispered to Wil meet him. Wil was conconfused but agreed.

     As the sun set, Tommy made his way to Wil.

     "Hey Tommy.." The newly resuscitated man said.

     "I plan on getting Dream out of prison but I need your help." This got the older man's attention.

                          I'm in."

      This happened a few weeks ago. Tommy told Wil that there was a flaw in the prison system. You could go right underneath it. The plan was to get Wil to tell Techno, and help him along the way. What he didnt plan for was Ranboo to get taken into the prison. This was a set back. Not to mention how he might end up seeing Conner. Sure it could go wrong but its techno, nothing that bad is going to happen.

      He was right. It wasnt that bad, apart from Ranboo dying. He didnt mean for that to happen. Oh well, he could just ask from him to be revived. He made his way to exile. You see, he had a little gift for Dream that he wanted to give him. The axe of Peace. It was one of, if not, the strongest weapon on the server. He thought back to when he was in the prison. After being revived he didnt hold up the act. After all it was just him and Dream in the cell right? He told Dream that he would break him out and to meet him at exile. Of course, Dream didnt really belive him until Techno came. He snapped back to the present. He went to the grave that appeared. He dug under it, and he found what he was looking for. Well at least he thought. When he opened the cest to find it. He first thought to Dream finding it, then it went to someone else finding it. He replaced the dirt rather to fast. Some of it got into his eye, practically blinding it. He went towards the portal to find it broken. He thought someone other than Dream was there. But his demeanor changed when he saw Dream. In a low quiet voice he said,

       "I was supposed to give you that." He said rather pouty in the end.
       "It looks like you wernt the one to save me after all." To that Tommy just looked displeased.

        "Tsk, tsk, tsk, Dream? Do you know who gave him the information to look under the prison?" He asked like he was trying to manipulate his manipulateer.

        "But Tommy, that wasn't you, that was Wil..." Dream said in the same tone.

         "And do you know who gave him the information?" He did it. He stumped Dream. He was quite for a few moments more befor asking Tommy a question.
          "Why did you want me out the prison..?"

           "Well.. I guess its because in exile, you gave me purpose. You gave me chances, instead of not coming back. Unlike the others. I'm sorry for leaving you, but I really wasn't in the right mind space, but when you killed me I had time to think. And through those two and a half months of solid black void, I thought, what if this is good. It's just like exile, when you made me shut up. It was relaxing. Then I had another thought poppin my head. What if you became my teacher. I mean we're already friends and I've already learned as much as i can from Techno. So, what do you say..? Will you become my mentor?" Dream was shocked but recovered quickly. If he could get Tommy in his control, he could have everything and everyone. He pondered on this for a few minutes before deciding that he would. He would train Tommy but, he wouldn't be his 'teacher'. He would be his master. (NOT IN A SEXUAL WAY GOD)

       He wanted to make sure that Tommy wasnt pulling any thing so He said this.

       "If you want me to train you give me all your armor, weapons, and food." Tommy had no hesitation in his body as he gave dream his diamond armor and netherite tools. He placed his ender chest down.

        "Do you want the disks aswell?" Dream hadn't even considered the disks.

         "No, and do me a favor," he handed Tommy a piece of TNT and a flint and steel. "Get rid of all your useless things." Tommy knew exactly what to do, almost as if by routine. He dug a hole four deep. He through out his seeds, some carpet, 18 pieces of black stained glass and the 'your Tubbo' compass. Dream was surprised once again. He had the compass after all this time and he threw it away with no hesitation. This concerned Dream a little bit, but remembered that this was what he asked. Tommy placed the piece of TNT and lit it. He put a block on top to put less damage on him.

       'That's how I did it..' Dream thought to himself. He wanted as the teen just stood there not backing up.

        "Move back a little.." Dream said, not meaning to. Tommy backed up three steps as the TNT blew up. The whole time the teen watched. Dream drew a little concerned agian but quickly shut the feeling down. This was what he wanted right?



       It wasnt but it not like he could do anything about it. They were in the hands of a Dremon now.


So how do you guys like Villaininnit so far?

Should I make a part two?

Tommy Angst (MCYT) Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now