if tommy took the presidency (v1)

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(This is based on when Wilbur made tom the president but then he turned it down. In this tho, he wont turn it down.)

"Tommy, tommy, I know you've never heard me say this but, get up on the stage and give us a speech! Tommy, or should I say, presidential elect Tommy." I stared at Wilbur. A few gasps could be heard. A smile started to pursue my face.


As I was giving the speech Wilbur went somewhere. It never crossed my mind that the button was still there. I was to happy in that moment.

"-and Tubbo? I want you to come up here and help me with president thing." I could see the happiness in Tubbos eye when he went to step on the podium. If only it wasnt that short lived. I could hear the hiss of TNT, and thankfully, I got Tubbo off the stage. As the explosions erupted, I was being blown in the air. I couldn't make this. A water bucket. It would work but I'd need to be careful, all it could do is make sure that none of my bones are broken, the explosion makes are a different story. As I came to the most potential energy, I started to fall. I took out my water bucket, and looked down. Everything was in ruins. But now, I needed to focus on my self.

As the ground came closer, i put my water bucket out, and...

I hit the ground.

Pain shot throughout my whole body. I collapsed and everything when dark.


Darkness surrounded me, but, I could hear something. It sounded like Tubbo.

"-OMMY!?" Tubbo shouted.

"Yeah big-" *cough* "Big Man?" Everthing hurt.

"Oh Tommy! Thank Prime you're awake!" A new voice. Someone I didnt recognize, but, I knew everyone here?

"Hello, who are you? Also Tubbo can you get this thing off my eyes?"

"Tommy, there's only one thing over your left eye. Your blind in your right eye, I'm sorry. Also that's Phil." Tubbo said as he started to remove the bandage rap. Light powered through my eye, making everything bright. I squinted my eye, and sure enough, I saw Tubbo and this 'Phil' guy. I tried to move, but I couldn't, like my whole body was all stuck like I was sinking in the sand.(if you get it, you get it.) I looked down at my legs. My right foot had been cut off.

"Tubbo," I wined. "How I'm I supposed to look at Wilbur, he tried to blow me up." At the mention of Wilbur, Tubbo and Phil stiffened.

"Um, about that Tommy, you don't need to look at Wilbur." He took a long breath. "Wil's dead, Tom's." I looked at him.

"Your kidding, right?" I looked to Phil. "Right..?" It was nothing more than a whisper. I felt tears come out of my eyes.

"Ok then," I said, trying to keep my composer. "How am I supposed to sign papers an shit?" I looked at Tubbo. He looked back at me. He had tears going down his face. I couldn't help but feel the same way.

"While I'm still healing, you can sign the shit for me, I'll just tell you what to do." It came out a but harsher than I ment it.

"Ok Tommy," Tubbo tried to put a smile on, but it was weak. And it was ok, for the first time that I remember, I couldn't do things for my self. I had to think of the consequences.


I called a meeting for all the people of L'manburg. We've been rebuilding it slowly since we've been trading. Its coming along nicely. I haven't heard of Techno for awhile now, and if I'm being honest, its scaring me. I know he hates the government and me now being a president dosent help our relationship. After the whole 'Wilbur blew up L'manburg' thing, techno set off withers of which the others had to fight while some of them where taking me to safety.


It was the fifth week of physical therapy, and I could proudly say I'm doing better. I can now sign papers on my own, but I still need help reading. Some might say, 'then why'd you pick Tubbo, dont you know he's dyslexic?', of course I know he's dyslexic, but its me and him vs. the world.


It's the tenth week of physical therapy and my burns are scaring over. Also, Dreams tried to come here and do things, people have ratted him out every time. Were also also getting a new member. Ranboo, I think his name is? Me and Tubbo are going to take him on a tour around the server. I'll have to take my crutches but it'll be fine.

I waited a few moments before also wrighting,

And who knows mabey I'll make a new friend...


Tommy Angst (MCYT) Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now