New Years, New 'Friends'...

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(This is an exile au that Tubbo forgot Tommy was in exile..)

(Tommy Pov)

  I woke from a restless sleep, the darkness speaping into my mind as I try to keep my eyes closed. A thought echos in my head.


Hes the only one I can trust right now, I've been so helpless that I havent been able to get food. When he comes hes gives me bread, and sometimes if I'm really good, he'll give me a stake. I know it might sond like I'm being manipulated but really hes the only reason I'm alive right now. What he did to me was in the past. Here, I've learned to forgive and forget. Mostly the forgive part. I can tell hes trying to manipulate me but there's nothing I can do, hes been the one feeding me for two months now. I wouldn't be surprised if he hit me for eating food with out his permission.

    That might seem harsh but I get him it takes a lot of calculations to figer out how much food you'll need for a weeks trip. It's nothing I haven't been through though. Its actually quite similar to how Phil treated me and Wil. He would leave with all the money sometimes, and that would mean we'd have to ration the food. But hes better than Phil, he makes sure I have atleast a weeks worth of food. Hes usually gone for about 3-7 days. He was gone for 9 days at most. And, if I'm being honest, he makes me feel loved, even If it's a minipulation tactic.

As I finally opened my eyes I saw a book.

'Its probably from dream' I thought

I was right. It was a note, inside said,

Dear Tommy,

I'm sorry but you'll have to make do with what you have for now. I'll be gone for two weeks. I checked and there was a little under a weeks supply. Don't die.

P.s. I've attached a rule book on the back, read it, and when I get back, I want you to recite it to me.


I flipped the page to get to the rule book.

1. No hesitation.
When I ask you a question, I want a truthful and honest answer.

2. You can NOT talk to anyone I have said you cant talk to. I have a list of people you can talk to, but ONLY THEM

     (1.) Me, you can call me anytime you have a good reason to, like if someone's trying to take you.

     (2.) Sapnap

     (3.) George

   If I find out that you have contacted someone other than these people, it will have dier consequences.

3. You cannot lie to me
I'm your friend, you can tell me anything.

4. No hiding anything from me
No hiding weapons, food, armor, and no hiding your emotions. I want to know how I make you feel and how you feel about things.

This is all for now.


Okay, hes going to be gone for two weeks. This, is going to get difficult.

(Tubbos Pov)

I wake up to find that I fell asleep at my desk. I checked the date and time.

It was 8:56 pm, December 31.

Wait.. I have to have the fire works ready! This day was already going south.


As I get into town I see mostly everyone is outside waiting for the show. I was a little hesitant at first, seeing as everyone getting together can cause, a lot, of chaos.




"1! HAPPY NEW YEAR!" Everyone screamed. I looked to the crowd to see Dream. I blinked and he was gone. I returned my focus to the party.

---------------time skip to the past

(Dream Pov)

I walked to where Tommy was staying. It was pathetic. Everything was a mess. But I'd have to tell him or he'll lose trust in me. I know I should just let him die, but I feel something with him. I cant discibe it, and I know he forgives me but, I cant help but feel like I've messed up. I know right, me, feeling for a child? Crazy right? Except for Drista, but I dont know. Somethings different with him. Hes the only one that I feel like he could beat me. And I cant have that.

I wrote in the note that I'd be gone for two weeks. That was a lie. But I will be gone for atleast a week. I planded on getting something to make it right with Tommy. I'm going to get a book that's filled with magic. It'll help me and Tom with our relationship.(not like that) It'll make everything right.

----------Present Time

It's been 6 days and I'm close to Tom's 'house'. I tampered with the clock in L'manburg. Just enough so that I can do the thing I need to do on time and be there to scare Tubbo.

In an ancient passage, its said that 'the' book can erase people's memories and bring false ones. I want Tom to be mine. So that I can protect him. Forever. Even if hes just a stupid child, I'll make sure he stays with me. Me and Drista can be like his siblings!

And I think I've forgotten to mention something. I'm a god. I sometimes go bye DreamXD. Dristas also a god! But soon, we'll make Tommy one of us. I cant lose him. Especially since he's on his last life. Sure that might have been my fault, but I didnt think about the consequences. I messaged Drista to come.

I wont get rid of all his memories, only the ones with the people I dont want him him talking to. I replace them with fake one of us three, me, Drista, and him, hanging out.





It's done. We should be good when we appear.

(Tom pov)

When I opened my eyes I saw lots of mess. And when I went to get up I saw a book on the floor. I made my way out of the mess of a tent. I looked around,

Where was I?

I looked to the hill to see a familiar line green.

"DREAM!" I shouted.

Haha get cliffhangered

Tommy Angst (MCYT) Oneshots Where stories live. Discover now