Chapter Twelve.

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Lili-Rose felt nerves rise through her body as she walked up to the front desk.

"Hi, Can I help you?" The female police officer spoke as she looked up from the paperwork on the desk.

"I'm looking for Officer Geff Stanton."

"It's been a long time since I've been called officer." Spoke an older male police officer as he stepped through the front doors of the police station, a young male police officer trailed behind.

Lili-Rose turned to face them.

Detective Officer Geff Stanton recognised Lili-Rose; cute little innocent Lili-Rose, she had found her way back to the man she knew.

Detective Officer Geff Stanton looked at the young male officer who had stopped next to him "This is a personal matter, Jen. Take care of Trav, while I deal with this."

Jen rose up from her seat as she lead Trav.

Detective Officer Geff Stanton lead Lili-Rose to his office, Lili-Rose stepped into the office. Detective Officer Geff Stanton closed the door behind him.

"Is he back?" Geff didn't move from the door.

Lili-Rose turned to face him as she nodded "Six days, well. Maybe five days. I don't know. I woke up five days ago, he said I had been with him for two weeks, but I don't remember the past two weeks" She cried. "He took me to some mansion and...and..." She kept fumbling her words.

Geff pulled Lili-Rose into his arms as he comforted her.

"You're the third person I've talked to. I did as you said, not a word to him. I followed his words until I could run."

"It's okay" Geff soothed her down.

"It won't be long until he figures out, I ran."

Geff slowly pulled himself away from Lili-Rose "Where are you staying?"

Lili-Rose shakes her head.


Lili-Rose shakes her head "I can't do that to you. Any of you."

Geff stayed calm, he knew she was doing this to protect herself and those in her life. "Fine, I'll take you to mine."

"What. No." Lili-Rose failed at hiding her panic "I just need to keep running."

"I'm not just going to drop you anywhere. I need to know your safe."

Lili-Rose knew she was going to lose this battle "fine" she gritted her teeth out of frustration "I'll show you where I'm staying." She tried to hide her lie.

Geff opened his office door "Give me a bit, call if it's an emergency." He called out to Jen and Trav as he lead Lili-Rose out to the parking lot, he pulled his personal car keys out of his pocket before hitting the automatic unlock button on the car remote.

Lili-Rose knew she was safe with Geff, but she had this sinking feeling that something was going to happen as she sat in the passenger seat.

Geff sat down in the driver's seat, he closed his door shut. He started the ignition before driving out of the carpark. "Where is it?"

"Just keep driving." Lili-Rose tried to buy her time.

Geff pulled up to a red light as he felt his phone vibrate in his pocket, he quickly pulled his phone out of his pocket "Answer it for me." He quickly dropped his phone in her lap as the light turned green.

Lili-Rose answered the phone before putting it on loudspeaker.

"Geff Stanton, you have something I want."

Geff glanced down at his phone screen at the word private number before glancing back up at the road "Who's this?" He rose his index finger to Lili-Rose, she took the cue.

"You know who this is, I want her back." The British Gentleman's voice rang with anger.

Lili-Rose quickly hung up the phone.

"Lili, how'd he get this number?" Geff carefully sped past cars.

"I don't know. Maybe he bribed one of the officers?"

Geff quickly shook his head as he pulled up at a red light "There's rules in place for sharing private information. The two other's you talked to. What did you tell them? How'd you find the station?"

"I told the driver to take me to the closest police station, I just used his phone for maps. The other guy was a perv, I wouldn't tell him anything." Lili-Rose couldn't hide her panic.

Geff turned left down a street "Did you tell that dick?"

Lili-Rose shook her head "If I valued my safety, I wouldn't be dumb enough to tell him."

Geff hadn't let Lili-Rose tell him where to go as he continued down the road; he wasn't going to let her have the chance to give her instructions.

"Where did he keep you?" Geff glanced over at Lili-Rose before returning his gaze to the road.

"Our house."

He briefly took his eyes off the road as he looked at Lili-Rose.

"The house that he and I brought together, two years before we got engaged." She watched his facial expressions as he returned his gaze to the road.

"Did he say why he was doing it?"

Lili-Rose breathed out her fear "He wants to get back together. He said I broke his heart when I left him at the altar, he said that he wanted to go back to being soul mates."

"The two of you were just kids, I don't know how I didn't see the signs."

"Because I hid everything. The week of our wedding. It was the last straw; I couldn't tell you. I couldn't tell my parents not even Danny knew. The less everyone knew the better."

"We could've helped you."

"How? None of you knew. " Lili-Rose was starting to fumble her words as she tried to think of her safety again "What happens if he came after all of you?"

Geff tightened his grip on the steering wheel before slowly releasing his grip as he took a turn right "When you didn't arrive at the church, he thought I had something to do with it. How was I supposed to know anything. He went back to the house and found you gone. All of us went looking for you, I said I'd put out an alert, but that asshole said no, that maybe you had wedding jitters." He pulled into a driveway "You spent over a decade hiding, we had no idea where you were. I had to keep telling your parents that you were fine, and I was in touch with you."

Lili-Rose looked down at her lap, she knew she wouldn't be able to thank Geff enough for covering her.

"Where are we?" She looked up at the house in front of her.


"Geff, I can't. I need to go." Lili-Rose struggled to take her seatbelt off.

"I can protect you, just stay at mine and when I can't be here, I'll have a uni out the front." Geff explained as Lili-Rose managed to get her seatbelt off.

Lili-Rose let her seatbelt slide back into its default position, she knew Geff was trying to save her. She knew Geff was trying to help her but all she wanted to do was run and stay running.

Geff stepped out of the car, Lili-Rose took his lead. Geff began to make his way up to the front door, she trailed behind him.

Lili-Rose looked around the street as Geff unlocked the front door.

"Hun." Geff caused her to jump as she turned her attention to him, he indicated for her to step into the house.

Lili-Rose took his cue, she stepped through the front door.

She tried to make herself comfortable on the lounge as she felt like she was back at square one. Lili-Rose knew she was safe with Geff, but her mind refused to let her believe she was safe. 

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