Chapter Twenty-Two.

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Lili-Rose parked her car in the already packed cemetery. She took a deep breath than exhaled as she stepped out of her car. She looked out seeing a medium sized gathering of mourners around a burial plot, she noticed loved ones scattered around the cemetery paying their respects to their deceased.

Lili-Rose noticed Danny, her parents and Aunt Riddy wearing black as they stood amongst the medium sized gathering of mourners. She took several steps towards the group but stayed at a distance, she wasn't sure if she was actually welcomed to the funeral or not. She knew that Officer Jen had invited her but not Danny nor her parents not even Aunt Riddy had contacted Lili-Rose to invite her to Geff's funeral. Lili-Rose had a sinking feeling that she was the one being blamed for Geff's death, she wouldn't be surprised if everyone blamed her. She was the last one with Geff, she was the last one to see him alive.

She watched as Geff's coffin was lowered into the ground, she watched as Danny couldn't hold back his tears. She wanted to run up and hold up but forced herself against it. Lili-Rose felt like this wasn't the time to comfort a man who may blame her for his father's death.

Lili-Rose turned her back on the mourners as she began to make her way back to her car. She noticed a man against the side of her car.

"I'm sorry for your loss, ma'am." He politely spoke.

"Who are you?" Lili-Rose held her stance in front of him, she kept her car keys in her hand.

"He wanted me to give you this." The man pulled an envelope from the pocket of his jacket, reaching it out to Lili-Rose.

"Tell him to go to hell, better yet. Put one right in his head for me." Lili-Rose spat with rage as she tried to keep her voice hushed.

"He was expecting you to say that. He wants to let you know that he can hear you talking to me."

Lili-Rose kept her eyes focused on the man in front of her, she wasn't in the mood to look for the British Gentleman.

"He wants you to know that his quite jealous that your talking to me and not him. Please just take this." The man reached out the envelope.

Lili-Rose snatched the envelope from the man "Tell him to go to hell."

The man took the cue being whispered in his ear, he walked away from Lili-Rose's car.

Lili-Rose breathed out her anger as she put her key into the door of the driver's side. She kept her focus on her car, she scrunched up the envelope in her hand as she opened the car door. Lili-Rose threw the envelope on the passenger's seat.

She slammed her care door shut after she had gotten into the driver's seat, if Lili-Rose wasn't in a cemetery she would've screamed as loud as her voice allowed, she would've cried until her tears were exhausted.

Lili-Rose took deep breaths trying to calm herself down.

Geff's death began to replay in her mind, his car tyres popping one by one until only one remained intact, watching Geff step out of his car, the bullet hitting him in the head.

The memory wouldn't stop playing as Lili-Rose struggled to put her key in the ignition.

She jumped when she heard a knock on the window of the car door, she wound down the passenger's window "Danny, I'm so sorry." She managed to say as Danny looked like a wreck as he looked through the car window.

Danny blamed himself, always did. Ever since Star had died, Danny thought he was the problem, thought he was the one that caused people to die around him. He had lost a good friend; his dad and his childhood friend was always running "Are you going to your parents?" He couldn't find other words to speak.

Lili-Rose couldn't find the right words to speak as she began to fumble her words "I. Uh. I. Um."

Danny lowered his head as he wiped the tears from his face using the sleeve of his jacket he was wearing "I see. Did my dad say anything?" He was chasing answers to questions that Lili-Rose knew she couldn't answer.

Lili-Rose swallowed hard as she tried to come up with something to say.

Danny rose his eyes to Lili-Rose's face "Just once. Say something. Say anything. Tell me."

Lili-Rose could see the grief and pain written all over Danny's body language "Danny."

"Fuck, Lili-Rose." He grieved out his frustrations, Lili-Rose didn't take it to heart as Danny struggled to verbally lash out "The least you could've done was lie to me. Tell me that my dad's last words was that he loved me, tell me his last words were avenge me."


"Lili-Rose, I lost my dad. Nothing you say will be able to top my pain."

Lili-Rose wasn't going to compete with Danny's pain, she never tried to compete with anyone's pain. She had her secrets and her own pain; she had forced herself over the years to keep her pain to herself.

"You'll go on the run again, act like your outside the law. The trouble with you is that you don't face it, you just run. Not caring about the damage you've done."

There it was, the blame Lili-Rose was waiting for. She remained silent as she took in his words, she had no reason to say anything. She already knew she was at fault for Geff's death.

Danny felt exhausted, between his cries for his dad and his frustrations at Lili-Rose never staying put. Danny just felt exhausted. He let his tears continue to fall as silence filled the space between them.

Lili-Rose blindly put the key into the ignition as she watched Danny, she wanted to get out of her car and hug him, hold him just for a moment but she didn't. She feared he'd be targeted next, she feared that no matter what move she made that the British Gentleman would lay Danny next to his father.

Danny wiped his tears away with the back of his jacket sleeve, he failed at forcing himself to stop crying as tears continued to drip down from his eyes. He couldn't find the right words to say to Lili-Rose, he had verbally lashed out even if it was mostly due to his grief, but he still felt a tinge of guilt for the words he spoke to her.

"Danny, I'm sorry." Was the only thing Lili-Rose could muster up as she turned the key in the ignition.

Danny didn't speak as he stepped away from her car.

Lili-Rose sighed as she moved her attention out the windscreen window, she carefully drove out of the cemetery as her world crumbled around her. 

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