Chapter Nineteen.

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Lili-Rose had calmed down as Geff drove through the streets, he was refusing to take her back to his house instead taking to the police station where he knew Lili-Rose would be safe.

She leant her head against the passenger side window, she rested her eyes for a moment allowing herself to take in her freedom as Geff drove along the road.

Lili-Rose jolted her eyes open as she heard a pop.

"It's fine, just a tire." Geff tried to reassure her as he controlled his car as one of the tires began to deflate.

Another pop.

Geff looked out the windscreen window as he tried keep control of his car, two tires down. He wasn't sure if he had hit something sharp or if someone was targeting his car.

A third pop.

Geff took advantage of being the only car on the road as he slammed his brakes, he quickly hit his hazard lights button.

Lili-Rose jolted for a second in her seat as she tried to brace herself for any impact that may happen.

Geff managed to swerve his car away from the middle of the road, narrowly missing a traffic light. He hold tight on his steering wheel as the car came to a stop in a small drainage ditch.

"Are you okay?" Geff asked without a worry for himself.

Lili-Rose nodded as she heaved her breath.

"Stay in the car." Geff took off his seat belt.

Lili-Rose didn't need to be told twice as Geff pushed open the driver's door. He stepped out of the car.

It felt like the world had hit slow motion as Lili-Rose gasped, her hands covered her mouth in horror as she watched Geff get hit by a bullet in his head.

She watched Geff's body slump by the driver's side of the car, she was in fear. Fear of wanting to stay or leave the car, fear of if she was going to be killed next.

Her voice box refused to echo out a scream, her voice refused to do anything as her mouth opened with panic.

Lili-Rose struggled with her seatbelt as she tried to find a phone in the car, she couldn't find one within her reach.

Tears rolled down her cheeks with each glance she took at Geff's lifeless body.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She couldn't find any other words to speak "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She kept repeating those two words as shock crippled her body.

Lili-Rose jumped when she heard a tap on the passenger's window, her body froze as she noticed the British Gentleman by the passenger door. She wanted to react, she wanted to kill him, but her body refused to move from it's uncomfortable position in the driver's seat.

The British Gentleman pulled open the passenger door "I'm supposed to be the one protecting you. I'm supposed to be the one driving you to a safe house, not him."

Lili-Rose swallowed in fear as her tears kept falling.

"I don't like chasing you down. I hate that he was taking you. Your mine."

Lili-Rose couldn't do anything, her body refused to react.

"How dare he throw my present out. It was for you. I got it for you." The British Gentleman made a point with his words as he leant into the car.

Lili-Rose struggled to climb over the passenger seat into the driver's seat.

"It wasn't supposed to be like this. If you just showed up at the fucking alter, he would've still been alive. Just know this is your fault his dead."

Lili-Rose allowed his words to soak into her emotions as she struggled to shake away her fear and panic.

They heard sirens racing down the street.

"I'll see you, my love." The British Gentleman kissed her cheek before calmly stepping away from the car.

The world felt like it had stopped as Lili-Rose tried to process what had happened.

She felt like the world was moving without her as police cars and ambulances surrounded the car. She felt like she couldn't pay attention to anything anyone was saying to her, she felt like she wasn't in her own body as the paramedics checked her over, she glanced over at Geff's body being pulled into a body bag as realization started to kick in.

Lili-Rose was a victim, she was a victim of domestic abuse, she had been a woman who tried to leave her abuser, a woman who tried to find her freedom, a woman who wasn't allowed to have her freedom, a woman who was being hunted by the very man she didn't want in her life anymore. 

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