It's Not What It Looks Like!

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        The tall brunette, now known as 'Wilbur', smiles at the girl and extends out his hand, "Hello Angel! Fundy told me so much about you! Hopefully we can become best friends!"

. . . . . . 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚐. . . . . . .

        The girl shook his hand, "Hopefully we do!"

. . . . . . Present  ˖◛⁺ ⑅ ♡ . . . . . .

        The (H/C)-ette glanced over at Wilbur. He seemed to be in thought as well. 'Does he not remember?' She glances back over to her old friend. He was wagging his tail slightly every time you looked at him. 'Weird, is he happy I'm here? That doesn't make sense. He's the one who left me, not the other way around. . . But why did he leave . . ?'  Niki seemed to notice the tension between Fundy and Agent. 

        "Did something bad happen between you guys. . ?" Niki seemed nervous, weird. Am I missing something here??? Fundy's tail stops wagging and he looks down, shamefully, and put's his hands(?) into his pockets. The tension was so thick, you can literally see it. Wilbur scratches the back of his head and decides to speak up. 

        "Agent, how bout you and Fundy talk to each other for a bit. I think you guys need to talk about it. . ." Wilbur grabs Niki's hand and drags her somewhere else to privately talk. 

        The silence was growing louder and Fundy's heart was beating rapidly. (Y/N) could practically hear his and her own heartbeat. It was too fluffing loud for her liking. "I- Uhm-" Fundy tries to speak up but ultimately fails when the girl looks at him. He was ashamed of what he did and tried to forget about it. 

        "Look, uh- I'm-" "Save it. I don't want to her an apology, I just want to know why. I want to know exactly why you left me for freaking 14 years!" Agent cuts him off. She wasn't in the mood to see her childhood crush that disappeared for majority of her life. I mean like, who would? Not me.

        Fundy's voice gets caught in his throat. He didn't want to remember why he didn't tell her. He was scared to tell her. She did nothing wrong to him, she did nothing wrong to anyone. Fundy starts to play with the inside of his pockets and his ears and flat down against his head. The masked girl stares at him, like she's demanding an answer which she kinda was.

        "T-That's because of- of- of- . . ." He went silent. Agent fiddled with her cloak, the one Phil gave her, and pulled up her hood. She was semi-happy she was getting an answer but the furry wouldn't complete his sentence. Fundy was a little confused why she put on her hood before he heard yelling from Quackity trying to give someone drugs yelling, 


        Agent laughs sarcasticly before going back to a blank state. Fundy bows slightly, hoping no one sees this, and apologizes, "I'm sorry I left! I was forced to leave because I was a hybrid! I should've taken you with me! I'm sorry for everything I've done!" Agent steps back a bit, taken back by his random outburst and because he's bowing. He stands up straight and his face was slightly red and he has tears forming in his eyes. Before he can ramble on again, the (E/C)-colored girl wraps her arms around him. The fox hybrid freezes, not expecting this, but hugs the girl back.

        They stood like that for awhile, no one's in sight, not even Niki and Wilbur, just them. The suns now setting and they both pull away from the hug. Fundy wasn't sad anymore and his tail was wagging while (Y/N) on the other hand, was faintly glowing a yellowish color, making her seem like an angel. 

        "Do you wanna watch the sunset, Fox boy?" (I SWEAR IF I SEE ANY "Do you wanna build a snowman?" COMMENTS IM GOING TO CRY 😭)

        "Of course, thought you'd never ask me again, Angel." Fundy smiles brightly before hugging her and because of fanfic logic, Agent hugs him back. It was a nice hug before being rudely cut off by Niki. 

        "Oh I'm sorry- Am I interrupting something?" Niki asks quietly. Wilbur wasn't too far behind her and he immediately has a devilish grin plastered on his face. "Are we interrupting something~?" (Y/N) immediately lets go of Fundy and her wings spread out, and her gold aura? Gone, it was a hallucination/j. 

        "It's Not What It Looks Like!" They both scream at the same time. Niki giggles "Sorry to cut your reunion short but we have to go sadly, Phil and Techno wants to talk to us." 

        Angel pouts but gives Fundy a smiles and walks away waving with Niki and Wilbur, "Bye Fox Boy! See you soon!" Fundy waves back excitingly but sadly wanting to spend more time with her, "Bye Angel!" 

        The trio heads back through the jungle and into the snowy biome. (My washing machine is steaming- Uhhhhh-) Ranboo sees them walking and he jogs over to them and asks what they're doing. Wilbur replies that they're going back to the house for Techno and Phil need to talk to them. Ranboo tags along with them, he was happy to talk to them though, he was bored and couldn't remember what he was going to do and was going to head back anyways. 

        And boy oh boy did they not expect what will come in the future. . .


        Two chapters? 1 week? Poggers!

        I know I didn't write a lot of angst but that's because I'm trash at it. I can write so many horror book and literally anything else but it's just angst that gets me.  Anyways, I spent like an hour writing this but I think it's pretty pog.

         Thanks for reading and see you guys next chapter!

        Signing off at 1018 words, 


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