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        "New girl huh? This'll be fun. . ."

. . . . . . 𝙲𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚒𝚗𝚞𝚒𝚗𝚐. . . . . . .

(Y/N)'s POV

        I stand up, holding onto Ranboo's hand and walk aimlessly around. As we continue walking around, Ranboo disappears, leaving me stuck here in the middle of nowhere. What a freaking muffin he is.

        "Ugh! C'mon! You could've teleported me too!" I sigh tiredly. 'This dude really left me, c'mon man >:(' . I continue walking around, after what seemed like hours, I eventually get to some familiar places. I drag my hand along the oak trees, feeling the texture of the bark. I feel some small indents/carvings(?) on a tree and I stop my movement. I walk backwards a bit and examine the what seems to look like carvings of a bee and 2 poorly drawn discs. 

        "Hmm, interesting. . . ?"

        I continue walking, my hopes get higher as I see a few man-made carvings and objects. After walking for a bit, it seems like I've already seen these objects. 'Was I going in a circle?'  I pick up a small but sharp rock, carving in the word "Wings" on a tree then I continue walking. A little a bit of walking until I realized- wait- I can fly- what in the world. I spread my wings open and gently flap them, not to disturb any creature or person in the area, lifting myself off the ground. I float above the trees and readjust my mask, making sure it doesn't fall off. 

        "Why didn't I do this earlier. . ." I mutter out loud. 

        I facepalm and sigh angrily, lowering my hand, I look around and surprisingly, I saw the L'Manburg flag swaying gently. I fly towards the area but before I could even see the walls, I heard a male screaming "WHAT THE F**K IS THAT?!" I stop moving looking around for where the voice came from. Before I could actually look for the voice, I hear a woosh and then get knocked back, still flying in the air. I can see remains of what looks like colorful fires dancing in the air, fading. 'Holy crap, did that person just shoot a firework at me?!' I basically barrel roll my way into L'Manburg, still in the air. Suddenly, I feel something hit my wing, sending me down to the ground. 

        I try to spread my other wing to slow down how fast I was falling but did it work? No. I hit the ground with a thud and groan, holding my wing that was shot at. What a jerk move, bet the person responsible for shooting me won't apologize.

        "AYE AYE AYE! WHO THE F**K ARE YOU?! WHY ARE YOU HERE?!" It's that same person who shot a firework at me. "Tommy!" Eh? A new voice? Who's this? "Calm down! You literally just shot them with a firework!" And then it goes back and forth between the two. It was quite annoying. I stand up and raise my wings, flapping them slightly to make sure they aren't injured.

        I stop moving my wings as soon as I hear someone wielding a weapon. I look at the 2 boys, one taller than me, the other one shorter. The taller one, with blond hair and blue eyes, was holding an iron sword but wearing a simple outfit, a red and white shirt and beige khakis with a green bandana around his neck. The shorter one with his hands up, trying to stop the taller one, has brown hair, slightly covering his eyes and he seems to be a sheep hybrid. He was wearing a saturated green button up t-shirt, and some brown pants. Now that I look at it, they seem like kids.

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