day three

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day three

We are a constellation of shared dreams.

- Arien Vega

No Woman - Whitney

"A florist and a gardener are essentially the same things, are they not?" Lucien said, blinking.

Elain shook her head as they continued through the morning street market. Various Solstice wares on sale including bottles of spiced wine and pouches of enchanted snowflakes. Much like the rest of Velaris, the postseason street market was a charming place; and despite Solstice being over, the merchants remained merry. They bartered with customers over prices allowing generous discounts, though those purchasing tended to give more than they bartered for in the end anyway.

"Do enlighten me as to the difference," Lucien drawled.

Elain smiled softly. "A florist may have a garden, but their primary job is making flower arrangements. A gardener, however, is usually tasked with the up keeping and growth of plants of all varieties. Making sure that the environment is stable and has rich enough nutrients to thrive and sustain." She smirked at him. "But no. My ambition was neither to be a florist or a gardener."

"A... An event coordinator then?" Lucien tried with an arched brow.

"You were closer with gardener." Elain approached a stand that sold a variety of gloves, Lucien just behind her. "A landscaper."

"A landscaper?"

She nodded. "It's a responsibility that a groundskeeper often sees to. It involves not only maintaining a healthy environment for the plants, but cultivating a beautiful picture."

"Ah," Lucien said, leaning against the lamppost to her right. "The one who shapes the hedges and decides where trees and flowers are planted."

"Yes." Elain plucked up a pair of pine green gloves. "My greatest ambition. And I have some experience. A few of the wealthier Velaris inhabitants have commissioned my services." Her eyes trailed over a rack of gloves in varying shades of white. She settled on a pair of thick cream colored ones. "What about you? What did you want to be growing up?"

Lucien was quiet for a moment, but Elain was content to allow him to think on her question while she made her purchases.

Elain had presumed and imagined many things about Lucien. Such was the game of chasing your desired suitor's heart. And yet, she found herself unable to predict what his answer would be to this question. Lucien didn't strike her as the power hungry type, nor one to appreciate immense responsibility. Had a simple nobleman been his ideal career? Attending parties, mingling with royalty, being privy to all high society gossip. No, unlikely. Otherwise his answer would have come quickly. Did he wish to be High Lord then after all?

"I did enjoy the position of courtier," he began, and Elain paused as the male running the stand handed over the gloves in a midnight blue bag. "But more so for the negotiating and the ability to..."

When he trailed off Elain thanked the merchant then turned back to Lucien, her brows raised, silently urging him to continue.

With a grimace he finally soldiered forward. "The ability to make a difference. To have a say and watch things play out."

Such an honest, earnest answer.

Elain didn't think about propriety or social standards as she made her next move. She was propelled by a burst of compassion for the male that had just laid his ambitions bare before her. Heart swelling to the point of pain, Elain took Lucien's arm in hers and steered him back into the bustling street as though it wasn't a groundbreaking moment in their physical relationship. As though this wasn't the first time she'd made the first move and touched him. It felt... good. It felt right.

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