Episode 5

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(Y/N)'s POV

Now that Rei has finally learned how to swim, we were able to start training every individual. We are now in the locker room, watching Gou creating sheets of the countdown until the prefectural tournament while wearing a hakama.

Why? I don't know.

"Gou, you're still doing those? Can you stop that?", Nagisa asks.

"Believe me, Nagisa. I tried, but she's persistent on doing this", I answered for Gou.

"Pressure is what pushes people to the next level. Pressure can also ruin some people", Haru says.

"Are you talking about Rei?", Nagisa asks.

"Hey! I'm not that weak!", Rei yells offensively.

"Wait, why are you wearing a hakama?", Makoto asks.

"STOP TALKING AND START PRACTICING!", Gou yells, causing the boys to run out of the locker room.

I chuckle at the frantic boys (minus Haru) as they ran out of the door.

"But, Kou? Why are you wearing a hakama?", I ask.

"I was just setting the scene", she answers.

And after that, I didn't ask anymore questions.

Suddenly, the wind starts blowing inside, causing the stacks of paper to scatter everywhere.

"Man! Such a pain", Gou groans.

I help her pick up the scattered papers  and try to get them back in their numerical order. While I did that, I hear Gou softly gasping at something.

I look over her shoulder to see that she's holding an old booklet that was hidden under the rug.

Before I could say anything, I hear Nagisa calling my name so I walk outside to him.

Small Timeskip

It turns out that our team tracksuits had came in and Nagisa wanted to hand me my jacket.

I try mine on, and I've gotta say that the design looks pretty amazing, though mine was a bit bigger than I thought it would be.

"The jackets are really nice", Rei says as he examines the one Nagisa's wearing, "but what is that thing on the T-shirt?"

I look at the T-shirt that Nagisa was wearing and it had a depressed looking Iwatobi-chan on it.

"That's the secret Iwatobi-chan version. Since you were against putting Iwatobi-chan on our tracksuits", Nagisa answers.

"Maybe it would've been best to have kept the design out entirely", I say, "Also, I thought that I ordered mine in the size I asked for. Mine's a bit too big."

"I thought you would cuter in something a bit bigger than what you would usually get", Nagisa says, causing me to blush/my face to heat up a bit.

"Well, let's get started", Makoto says, ending the conversation, "Before we start though, let's review the events we'll be entering at the prefecturals. I'll be swimming the 100 m and 200 m backstroke. What are you doing, Nagisa?"

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