Episode 9

204 6 1

(Y/N)'s POV

Gou, Miss A and I cheer loudly as Haru passes swimmers one by one as he makes it to the finish. I can hear Makoto, Nagisa, and Rei cheer for as well. 

"Come on, Haru! You can do it!", I yell.

Haru slaps his hand on the side of pool and...

They won!

"They did it!", Gou exclaims, hugging me and Miss A.

Makoto pulls Haru out of the pool and Nagisa tackles him into a hug and with Rei joining in.

"We're going the regionals!", I cheer.

I look at them as they hug and it brings back memories to the last relay Makoto and Haru have ever swam. The joy on their faces and the excitement of winning another race. It was amazing.

The Next School Day

Due to our accomplishment in the tournament, the school principal decides to have a small assembly to congratulate us on a job well done. We stand in front of the whole as this goes on.

"Despite being a brand-new club, our swimmers placed in the top 8 at prefecturals and qualified for regionals", he announces, "We hope that they're able to advance to nationals. That is all."

The students and faculty applaud us after the principal finishes speaking.

After the assembly, we go to the side of the building, where a huge banner is hanging just for us saying Congratulations to the Swim Club on Making Regionals.

"They were really ready for us", Nagisa says.

"It's obvious that reused an old one", Rei says.

But he was right. Because of us not having a swim club for so long, we didn't have at congratulations banner. So instead, they just used the judo club's banner and cover the club's name with ours.

"But it's finally starting to sink in that we won", Rei continues.

"Yep. They'll treat us like heroes when we enter the classrooms", Nagisa says.

"I don't know about heroes, but the club will start to get some acknowledgement", I say.

"Actually, (Y/N), some of my classmates would ask about you", Gou says.

"They do?"

"They do the same thing in our class, too. Sometimes I think that you forget that you're pretty popular, (N/N)", Nagisa says.

"Huh. I guess I just don't pay attention to that", I say.

"Hey, (L/N)!"

I turn to where my name was heard and I see some guys and girl of my year coming towards me.

"Um... h-hi", I stutter.

"Congratulations on making it to regionals!", a girl with dark brown hair says.

"I didn't know the knew so much about swimming", a guy with auburn hair says.

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