Final Episode

243 7 0

3rd POV


"So it's not in bloom yet", a younger Rin says.

He, Nagisa, Makoto, Haru, and (Y/N) stand in front of the cherry blossom tree that stood outside of the building. 

"Well, it is still a bit early for the cherry blossoms to start blooming", (Y/N) says.

"But I really wanted to see it in bloom...", Rin says, "Since today's my last look at it."

(Y/N) had almost forgotten  that Rin was moving to Australia after the tournament. With her getting ready for her events and taking care of her mother, she wasn't thinking about that.

"Rin", Haru calls him.

Rin chuckles and then turns to Haru.

"What is it?", he answers in response.

"Are you going to follow your dad's dream?", Haru asks.

"I'm not sure yet."

"Hey! There's stuff written on the bricks", Nagisa exclaims.

"For graduation, we made this garden and write our favorite phrases on the bricks", Makoto says as he stands next to Nagisa.

"Rin came up with the idea a few months ago", (Y/N) says.

"Yeah. Here's mine."

Makoto shows the phrase that he wrote which was "I swim".

"And here's mine", Rin says, pointing out his phrase. It says "For the Team".

"Wow. That's very inspirational", (Y/N) says.

"Oh, this must be Haru's", Nagisa says.

They look at the brick the Haru wrote on, which had an obvious indication that it was his because all it had said was "Free".

End of Flashback

Haru stands in front of the tree that looked like the one he and his friends stood in front of years. He hopes that Rin would finally be able to see the cherry blossoms in full bloom this time.

"Haru!", Nagisa calls out, break Haru out of his thoughts, "Hurry up!"

"I'm coming!", Haru says.

Before he catches up with the others, he takes a stick and writes a message in the dirt.

"What is he doing?", Rei asks in confusion.

"Oh, is that the tree...?", Nagisa asks.

Makoto and (Y/N) look at the tree in front and finally start to recognize it.

"It looks just like that tree", Makoto says.

"It sure does", (Y/N) agrees.

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