Episode 8

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3rd POV

After Haru and Rin's race was over, the next event had started while the Iwatobi team sits in silence after Haru's loss. As they watch the next race, Coach Sasabe runs up to the team.

"HEy, everyone! Sorry I'm late", he says, causing everyone to look at him.

"Hey, coach", (Y/N) says.

"Where were you?!", Nagisa asks, "You're late, Goro!"

"Thank you for your help the other day. And I appreciate you taking time from work to come support us.", Miss A says, standing up.

"Oh, it's no big deal", Coach Sasabe says but not without looking at her closely, "I really think that we've met before."

"No, I don't think..."

"Jeez, did you come here to hit on girls?", Nagisa whines.

"I was not!", Coach Sasabe yells.

"Haruka already swam his freestyle heat", Rei says.

"Darn, I missed the prelims. But I can still watch the final."

That makes everyone tense up.

"Well... actually... Haru didn't qualify for the finals", (Y/N) says.


"He... didn't pass the prelims", Makoto finishes.

"He lost?!"

No one expected for him to lose with the amount of time he practices in the pool.

In the Locker Room

Haru's POV

After my race, I didn't even go back to the stands. I just stayed in the locker room while the water from the shower flows on my body. I couldn't stop thinking about Rin's words after he won.

I thought I didn't care about winning. Wasn't I supposed to feel free after racing him?, I think to myself.

Another thing that I had noticed was that after he told me that won't race with me anymore, the next thing he did was look towards the stands. My guess would be that he was looking at (Y/N) as that is the only person from childhood that he stayed in contact with.

Was winning the race also to gain more of her attention? Maybe...

I wanted to win for her, too...

3rd POV

Rin sits on the bench with a smile of victory on his face and a towel on his head. He had finally gotten what he wanted.

"Matsuoka!", Nitori calls out while jogging towards Rin, "You did it! You qualified for the final! And you beat Nanase!"

"Yeah, well. You go kick some butt, too", Rin says.

Back at the Pool

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